Hi All,
I am using cognos 8.4 and I am unable to drill through from PDF to any version of the report.
I am not getting any error, It just stays where it is.
Drill through from HTML is working fine.
Please advice what could be the possible reason for this.
This should work fine, unless you have done someting odd in setting up the drill-through definition. Is it an authored drill set up in Report Studio?
Yes it is an authorised drill through setup in reportstudio. I have problem with all my drill through reports while running in PDF.
Quote from: mrcool on 02 Feb 2011 03:58:18 PM
Yes it is an authorised drill through setup in reportstudio. I have problem with all my drill through reports while running in PDF.
Are you running with an up to date version of Acrobat Reader on your machine? If so, then it
sounds like your current installed version of Cognos 8 may have a "negative undocumented feature". It's worth raising a PMR with IBM to see.
Snet form my fumblefingers
iPhon 5 usig Tapatalk
Make sure of the following:
1. Ensure you have defined fully qualified server path in Cognos Configuration:
2. Add the URL to the intranet sites in the browser on every client
We have been able to solve the PDF drill-through problem this way with every customer..
Thanks @MFGF @Blom..
what are the differences between the cognos8,9,10 please help me
There is no Cognos 9.. Cognos 10 has a load of additional features compared to Cognos 8.4.x
Check the IBM website for What's new in Cognos 10..
Hi All,
I have found out that PDF drill through is working from one of my colleagues machine out of 5 manchines I have checked. I tried to compare all the settings like internet options, acrobat version everything looks same. What could be other possible differences. Please advice.
Quote from: mrcool on 08 Feb 2011 10:33:25 PM
Hi All,
I have found out that PDF drill through is working from one of my colleagues machine out of 5 manchines I have chanched. I tried to compare all the settings like internet options, acrobat version everything looks same. What could be other possible differences. Please advice.
Did you follow the advice given:
1. Ensure you have defined fully qualified server path in Cognos Configuration:
2. Add the URL to the intranet sites in the browser on every client
We have been able to solve the PDF drill-through problem this way with every customer..
Hi Blom,
I do not have admin access on my PC hence requested our admin to add the intranet site to the trusted sites. I will update once the issue is resolved.
once again thanks for the info.
Hi Bloom,
I have also encounted the same problem.
Are you able to explain further how to:
Ensure you have defined fully qualified server path in Cognos Configuration: server.domain.local
Hi All,
My cognos configuration has fully qualified server path and ensured that the URL is added to the trusted sites but coudln't resolve the issue.
Installing newer version of PDF(10.1.1) resolved the issue.
Thanks @Blom @MFGF for your valuable inputs.
@Bazz you can try this option and check if it works.