Hello all,
Just wanted to formally say hello to all... after 4 years in Cognoise. ;D
My user name is my name... Suraj Neupane and I'm from Nepal moved to the US around 13 years ago.
I know quite a few fellow Cognoisers here from ITTOOLBOX forum as well as from communities.cognos.com.
The later one where I was a moderator disappeared when IBM ate Cognos up. :o
Anyways, I'm not as active as I was before but trying to chime in once every now and then.
Currently, I'm in Denver working for Denver Water as BI Administrator.
It's snowing and cold here but a lot better than the east coast.
Enjoy all and keep up the good work of helping fellow Cognos users.
Hi Suraj,
I miss the old communities.cognos.com!! Happy to see you chiming in since you are a very smart guy.
And yes, I'd rather be in Denver or pretty much anywhere other than the east coast but I think there isn't enough time between storms for anyone to escape so we're all captive here :D
Hi Lynn,
Good to hear from you again.
Ya, good ol community... a lot of activity there...
Thanks for the comment.
About the cold, everyone's bracing up for tomorrow.
Tomorrow's high is 0 degrees and low is -20... brr..brrr >:(.