Hi All,
I have two date prompts . One for the Start date and another for the end date.
Start date always show up the current date Jan 27 2011 in my prompt page when i run the report.
But, End date also shows up the current date...
my filter in the report is [Columnname]<=?ENDDATE?
My requirement is i need 31 Dec 2010 to be shown instead of Jan 27 2011 in the date prompt when i run the report.
Please share yr thoughts.
You can force the value to be whatever you like on the prompt page with the Date Prompt's Default Selections property. Is that what you need?
Yes, i applied the same for the time being as the requirement was to show the default value.
Thank you very much for yr response .. :)
Extract the year from the start date, add 31-Dec to it and show. You wont have to make any changes in the report as the year changes then :)
Hi ,
Thank you for yr response.
I do not have any query associated with the Date prompt in my report. I have just pulled a date prompt and clicked the finish button. In such a scenario, how would it be possible to achieve ? Please let me know yr thoughts.
Thank u very much.
then why not use the start date parameter for the deriving the end date result. is this what you are looking for?
The start date parameter also is not assoiciated with any query ; so when we drag the date prompt , and run the report, we can see the current date in that prompt. Hence for the end date also, it was showing the same. So i have used a default selection in the END Date prompt which has reolved the requirement :D
Thank u very much for yr response.