Will Metrics Manager allow you to post commentary at the KRA (parent level) as well as the KPI (child level)?
Commentary can only be entered at the KPI or Metric level ... however you could consider producing Metrics for your Key Result Areas as well ... there would be no link between the two though!!!
Can anyone tell how to learn Cognos Matric Manager
I did the online course via cognos.com for about $100 and it was pretty good.
depending on where you are, there would be certified partners that run courses.
We had a Cognos pre-sales techo assist with install and prep for prototype ... It was a really quicjk product to pick up and run with. I spent most of my time in the prototype phase preparing automation procedures that facilitates the dynamic creation of scorecards and metrics as the organisational hierarhcy changes. All in all, a pretty good product out of the box! I suggest get a demo, install and play!
good luck. If you've got specific questions let us know.