I would like to modernise my application build with Cognos PowerHouse. I've tried Axiant and PowerHouse Web but didn't like them... Even Axiant look old and not very modern.
Is there any other software that I can integrate with PowerHouse to have a more graphical and modern environement?
Thank you,
Unfortunately, I think Axiant and PowerHouse Web are as modern as it gets in terms of an out-of-the-box UI for PowerHouse.
Quote from: MFGF on 25 Jan 2011 05:27:09 PM
Unfortunately, I think Axiant and PowerHouse Web are as modern as it gets in terms of an out-of-the-box UI for PowerHouse.
They both looks like 1980 software... we are in 2011. Any other software that could work with DISAM files?
If you are running on Windows or UNIX, you could make use of the relatively new QKView component of PowerHouse which allows you to run your application in a java applet or via the browser. It retains the use of function keys and you can cut and paste text, resise the window, change the background colour and insert a header bitmap and all requiring relatively little effort compared to re-engineering for Axiant or PowerHouse Web
I wonder if QKView is available on OpenVMS version 8.