what is fact less fact ? give me one example?
please help me
A Fact less fact table is used to record an event such as employee count as an example. There is a short Ralph Kimball article on factless facts which explains the concept.
The best example I can give you is the one we have in the project I work now. We have one table where we stock the intervention done by our people, the intervention don't have a specific dimension and it's ok. So, in that table we don't have any number just intervention_name, ho_do_it_name, date and some other information. When we do a report based on the number of intervention by type we regroup the intervention_name and count(ho_do_it), If we want to know how different people involve in a case we do the same but we do a count(distinct ho_do_it) . That's the best example I can give you. We dont'used at any moment numeric values.
Regards Jacques
<channeling author=Jane Austen>
It was everyday implied but never declared! A true gentleman DBA would make his assertions and intentions clear from the outset. It shows a certain wont of character to leave affairs, as such, in a vague state.
Were it only deemed prudent and honorable to provide a column populated with a numeral one. I shall find it difficult to make my way in the world, having few means at my disposal as it is! It is no mean feat to satisfy such a simple request. Then a person of modest means, such as a query studio author, may (to use a crude expression) "drag and drop" the metric thus getting a correct count for whatever dimensions such a soul might elect to filter upon!
We can only urge the right course of action in the dearest hope for Pride, not Prejudice and, of course, Sense and Sensibility!
I saw this post in isolation and mistook it for spam. I was just about to delete it and ban the offending user when I spotted it was you, and I looked closer.
What a spamtastic prose everyday implied did you use uggboots. :)
Quote from: MFGF on 25 Jan 2011 01:07:55 PM
I saw this post in isolation and mistook it for spam. I was just about to delete it and ban the offending user when I spotted it was you, and I looked closer.
What a spamtastic prose everyday implied did you use uggboots. :)
I suppose a poor choice of author for this audience. I should have gone with Mickey Spillane (a la Mike Hammer) or perhaps just the sports page from the newspaper.
Actually I made this same comment in another thread about factless facts and just decided to try saying it differently. Got carried away. I'll try to behave myself from now on...
I think it is quite ironic that an American nearly got themself banned from this site for being cultured. Lol, the beauty of Jane Austen.
Quote from: RobsWalker68 on 25 Jan 2011 04:56:02 PMI think it is quite ironic that an American nearly got themself banned from this site for being cultured.
<gasp!> Oh Rob, you're in BIG trouble when Lynn sees this!!! :o :D ;)
I know, Lynn is going to kill me :'( :) ;)
Quote from: RobsWalker68 on 26 Jan 2011 05:54:29 AM
I know, Lynn is going to kill me :'( :) ;)
On the contrary! From now on I will be true to the American spirit and only refer to "The Simpsons" or reality TV shows. If I feel the need to go highbrow I'll reference Spongebob Squarepants.