Hi all,
I want to create a query calculation, which combines several members and displays as one object.
Example : query calculation named revenue codes has all account code members with the following [3100],[3200],[3300],{3550]
If I use set function and insert query calculation in row of crosstab, it will list each member as a row , but I want it to list only one row called 'Revenue Codes'.
Another query calculation named 'Cost Codes' which has account codes [4100],[4200],[4300].
Both Revenue codes and Cost codes are in the rows, years in columns and default measure amount for the crosstab.
Create a calculation Revenue Codes – Cost Codes for a default Amount measure in the cross tab.
Question is how to combine several members into one using dimension functions??
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Gurus,
Please ignore this as I got it with the aggregate function. Thought of it after sending the email.
Do you mean you used an expression such as
aggregate(currentMeasure within set set([3100],[3200],[3300],[3550]))
That's what I would have suggested.