How do i put "Text Item" in "Span Title" that is with in "Report Expression"
to show the pop up for describing employee info that is
'<span title="' +[Query1].[EMAIL]+ ''+[Query1].[PHONE_NUMBER]+'">'
it is displaying pop up that is in this format
SKING515.214.4689 i want to make it like
and how can i format the hiring date in this span title that is
Jul 14, 1995 12:00:00 AM
because it gives error on this date
A data type error ocurred at or near the position '64' in expression: ''<span title="' +[Query1].[EMAIL]+ ''+[Query1].[PHONE_NUMBER]+''+[Query1].[HIRE_DATE]+'">' '. The operand types ('string (varchar),timestamp2') for operator 'Add (+)' are not compatible. )
'<span title="' +[Query1].[EMAIL]+ ''+[Query1].[PHONE_NUMBER]+'">'
HTML Item (Report Expression) uses (Span Title) for POP UP Description.)
Thanks in Advance