We are facing the error when we click on the bottom link of the report output page in HTML format.
Error: An application error has occurred. Contact your Administrator
plz provide some more details of the problem..
Hmmm - a couple of questions then. If you keep clicking the "next page" link and scroll all the way through to the end of the report output a page at a time, does the same error occur at some point? Secondly, if you run the report and render as PDF, is it successful or do you get the error?
Hmmm, what is the size of the data set that the report returns? If it's really, REALLY big then that could be a problem. It could be that if the dataset is really big, then Cognos is encountering a problem with the cache it uses to store temporary result sets. This cache is accessed when you hit Page Down/Bottom etc.
What happens when you restrict the report to say one or two dates (or any other filter you can apply to reduce the data set) and then hit Bottom? Does it still give the 0040 error?
Additionally, what happens if you set the row count of the data container (list for example) you're using to a very large number (say 999999)? This number must be large enough to completely avoid pagination. Be aware that a really large dataset might crash your browser and/or slow down your system while the results get populated.
Does the report run in this case?