i have used HTML item to show the Description of the Employee actually i have giving both Functionality that is
a) To show the detail of the Employee using Drill Through asyou told me,
b) The another one is to Pop Up the description of the employee using HTML item that is use Report Expression as ('<span title="' +[Query1].[EMAIL]+ ''+[Query1].[PHONE_NUMBER]+'">') as shown in the attachment.
my question is that how do i put the name for example my pop up shows the Email and Phone No of the Employee "SKING515.256.845" like this how do i make it to show "EMAIL:SKING PHONE NO"515.265.238" ??? and when i add the hiring date in this pop up then it gave error that data format not supported
A data type error ocurred at or near the position '64' in expression: ''<span title="' +[Query1].[EMAIL]+ ''+[Query1].[PHONE_NUMBER]+''+[Query1].[HIRE_DATE]+'">' '. The operand types ('string (varchar),timestamp2') for operator 'Add (+)' are not compatible. )
Best Regards,
It looks like your concatenation is incorrect, which is why it is getting all confused.
First of all, try this as a data item:
'<span>' || [Query1].[EMAIL] || '</span>'
I use pipes instead of +'s, it's a personal preference. If you can verify that this works, then add your second data item by doing so:
'<span>' || [Query1].[EMAIL] || [Query1].[PHONE_NUMBER] || '</span>'
Notice there's no quotes around the data items. That's how it needs to be in order to function. Try that and let me know how it goes.
it was giving me Error ("CRX-YXX-4010
A parsing error was found at or near the position 9 in the expression "'<span>' || [Query1].[EMAIL] || '</span>' ".
any way that i can put "EMAIL" before email address and "Phone Number" before Phone NUmber ???
Best Regards,
can u send me the current expression/script which gives you the result "SKING515.256.845"?
You might try creating separate HTML item elements for each part of your expression.
For data items, change the Source Type property of the HTML item to "Data Item Value".
For example,
- HTML item with Source Type "Text" containing "<span>"
- another HTML item with Source Type "Data Item Value" and [Query1].[EMAIL]
- ...further HTML items containing any other data items required
- then finally a HTML item containing "</span>"
Quote from: PRIT on 24 Jan 2011 01:04:32 AM
can u send me the current expression/script which gives you the result "SKING515.256.845"?
i have mentioned in my first post about the Script ac shown in the point in (b) part with in simple bracket.
Quote from: biz_intel on 24 Jan 2011 03:54:41 AM
You might try creating separate HTML item elements for each part of your expression.
For data items, change the Source Type property of the HTML item to "Data Item Value".
For example,
- HTML item with Source Type "Text" containing "<span>"
- another HTML item with Source Type "Data Item Value" and [Query1].[EMAIL]
- ...further HTML items containing any other data items required
- then finally a HTML item containing "</span>"
Thanks biz_intel for your suggestions i haven't applied this technique i will do that and let you know
best Regards,
this technique is not working .. . is there some alternate ???
by doing this technique "email" and "Phone no" is attach to the Detail column and nothing is pop up :(
Finally i have solved this problem by using the Script as shown below,
('<span title= Email:'+[Query1].[EMAIL]+'_PhoneNo:'+[Query1].[PHONE_NUMBER]+'>')
Quote from: mohsin2010 on 26 Jan 2011 01:16:33 AM
Finally i have solved this problem by using the Script as shown below,
('<span title= Email:'+[Query1].[EMAIL]+'_PhoneNo:'+[Query1].[PHONE_NUMBER]+'>')
That was my next suggestion! I'm not sure where, but at some point IBM changed concatenation from + to || :)
Quote from: melee on 26 Jan 2011 09:49:29 AM
That was my next suggestion! I'm not sure where, but at some point IBM changed concatenation from + to || :)
humm.. . i will see that hopes it willl help me in future well thanks for acknowledge me :)