I am using Cognos 8.4v
I have a report e.g.
Branch Product Amount
UK A 100
B 122
C 123
USA X 723
Y 333
Z 732
IND D 441
E 332
F 777
The report output is excel 2000. The requirement is to save the report output in a file system every day 9am for each country.
The file names are: UK_Product_Report.xsl
To get the above done, i have created a burst query 'Burst' in the report with a data item 'Report Name', expression ?Country?+'_'+'Prodcut_Report'
File-Burst option-Make report available for bursting.
Selected 'Burst' query for Burst Recipient, Burst Group Query
In cognos connection, created a 3 report views for each country.
Scheduled the report 9am everyday with the required Excel format and enabled the option 'Burst the report'.
Which is working very much all right and i can see the burst report in the file location for each country. No issues so far.
But the question is, if tomorrow one more country 'China' would be added to the column, then in my approach again have to create another 'report view'. Which is little weired.
In stead, can i do something dynamic, i mean without creating 'Report View' the report should Burst and available for each country in the file system with the desired file name?
For your requirement, Country shouldn't be a prompted value. Rather it should be a data item that you set as the burst key. In case your DB holds more countries and you wish to see outputs only for say 4 countries then you need to include filters accordingly. This will avoid maintaining multiple report views as well as save you the trouble of setting up additional report views for future requirements.
Can u pls let me have the steps to get this implemented?
Also I have a 'ALL' value in my Country Prompt, will it also consider that?
Thanks a lot in advance..
You may need to refer to the Report Studio guide to look up the section on bursting. Let me know if that helped.
I can perform the bursting. My requirement is quite different actually. Let me tell you in sort, I have Branch, Sub-branch, Product.
I want the report to burst and save the out put for each 'Product' under that Sub-branch and Branch.
Though i can able to do that and can see an instance for each 'Product' in the destination folder, but the output is same for all the products, means it's not filtering for Product.
Another challenge is to define a specific name format for each output and also 'All' value. Need an additional output for all the 'Products' under that Branch & Sub-branch.
Reason why i have created Report View.
Is your burst query different from your report query? If so, then you would need to set up master-detail relationship between the 2 queries to get the report data filtered.
Once you have the master-detail relationship set-up and your master-query returns all products along with a product "ALL" (You may want to create a union query to get another line as "ALL" in addition to existing products) then the report would generate burst outputs for each product along with product "ALL". Remember your detail query also needs to have an "ALL" product.
You do not need to go the master-detail way unless there is a particular requirement forcing you to.
Attached find the XML of my current report with bursting. Which is working fine. And I have created report view for the Branch, Sub-brach, Producer Group Name and bursting it to the share folder.
Note: This is a Cross-tab report
Now, how you want me to design this in order to avoid so many report views.
Would really appreciate your guidance here.
Also did the same steps suggested by you but still I don't get the Producer Group filtered.
But can see all the output for each individual Producers in the destination folder.
pls find attached XML as well...
I found the similar technique is working fine with LIST report and I am getting the desired result.
But not working with Cross-tab report. And I learnt that bursting can't be performed with Cross-tab or Chart reports :(
Any other workaround or have to create n numbers of Report View as I have been doing?
There are some articles on Bursting on "http://cognosandme.blogspot.com" site. Check them out.
You would need to set up the master-detail between the burst query and your report query for your requirement. Your burst query needs to include the producer group data item.
I will take a look at the XML provided when I get a chance..
Dear, i have already tried with LIST and as I said the Bursting is working fine. But doesn't seems to be working and throwing error when your burst query is Cross-tab.
However have a look at the XML in your free time.
havend read the details of your request now, but to burst a query based on a crosstab you need to use a list, insert the crosstab into the list and connect the two queries with a master-detail-relationship.
works fine.
if you need more details about that let me know,
cheerz :P