Please help the xCube have size 87001200 cells. Contributor doesn't work with model. How does decrease size? or this size is normall?
Hi Bubble,
The only way you can reduce the size of this particular cube is to:
1. Delete D-list members of the dimensions that make up this cube
2. Remove dimensions that make up this cube.
The way to determine the size of any cube is to take the number of d-list members in each dimension and multiple this by the number of members in the other dimensions.
Cube1 contains 5 dimensions, these 5 dimensions contain 10 members. The math to calculate cells would be: 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 100,000 cells. If you add another dimension with 10 d-list members, you now have 1,000,000 cells. Add another dimension with 10 d-list members, you have 10,000,000 cells, etc etc.
I would say that this particular cube is not a 'normal' size.. as indicated in other threads, (and based on my personal experience) a cube around 30 - 45 million cells should be the target.
Hope this helps.
Hi ericlfg,
Thank you for your advice. But all models in Cognos had one shared dimension. Unnecessary item hide using Access table in Contributor. Can I hide/delete item in this shared dimension only in one application in Analyst?
Hi Bubble,
If I understand your setup correctly, you have multiple analyst libraries all using a shared library that containers your d-list dimensions? You then have multiple applications that are built off the multiple analyst libraries.
If this is correct, unfortunately you cannot modify the shared dimension without it impacting all of the analyst libraries and contributor applications that use it. Upon the first synchronize of another contributor application it will delete / modify the application to mirror the analyst changes.
You may, however, be able to get around this by following my proposed solution below. Note: It is a lot of work.
Possible solution:
1. Use the copy wizard to create 2 new libraries that are copies of the originals (analyst library and the shared library).
2. Make your changes to the d-list in this new shared library.
3. Build a new contributor application off of this new copied library.
4. Use the import application XML macro to import an exported application XML from the original application -- this will import rights, elist, access tables, etc.
5. GTP
6. Run admin links to populate this new application.
Hi ericlfg,
thank you for answer.
It is a lot of work :( you are right
where can I see details each steps , because not all steps make clear for me
Hi Bubble,
Yes, it will be a lot of work, but I think it will be a good learning experience for you. ;) I'm not trying to be difficult, but I've given you the steps to the core ideas. You should review the documentation and then ask any questions if something doesn't seem clear.
Reference the Analyst user guide for steps 1 and 2:
Reference the Contributor Administration guide for the remaining steps:
Hi ericlfg,
Thank you for you help. If I have questions I will ask you without fail :)