i have a report showing some details and i have a column of Hyperlink Object the last column of the report and i want to male that column that will show details when we click that hyperlink column as shown in the attachmnet
we can add any "URL" after selecting hyperlink column body so that we can navigate to that URL when we click it but what in the case of showing details or any other record of that "employee" when we click on hyperlink column ?
Thanks in Advance,
create another report with details and parameters to filter details, Then use drill through option for the detail column of the main report and link to the newly created report and pass appropriate values to the parameters
What you are describing is implemented in Cognos Express (and 8 and 10) as a drill-through definition. You firstly need to create a detail report to drill through to (in your case, showing the required details of employees). Add a parameter filter to the detail report (eg [Employee_No] = ?EmployeeParam?) - this will result in a prompt being generated if the report is run standalone, but will allow you to pass the relevant Employee to the report and filter on it when you drill though.
Save the report, then go back to your original report, select the relevant column you want to drill through from, and go into the Drill Through property. Add a new drill-through definition (button to add is at the bottom), select your detail report as the target, then used the edit button (looks like a pencil) in the Parameters area and specify that the Employee_No from the current report is used to satisfy the EmployeeParam in the target report.
Good luck!
Quote from: mohsin2010 on 19 Jan 2011 05:51:53 AM
as shown in the attachmnet
I hope these are not real people and salaries in your screen shot!
They most definitely are real people. I am on that list too - Ki Glee is my real name! (Well, it is at the weekends, anyway! ;) ) Looks like I'm in for a big payrise too if that report is accurate!
Quote from: MFGF on 19 Jan 2011 07:57:28 AM
Ki Glee is my real name! (Well, it is at the weekends, anyway! ;) )
Next you're going to tell us that your picture isn't really even you after all!
Quote from: Lynn on 19 Jan 2011 08:31:46 AM
Next you're going to tell us that your picture isn't really even you after all!
Oh, now you're being silly! Who else could it be? :)
Quote from: Lynn on 19 Jan 2011 08:31:46 AM
Next you're going to tell us that your picture isn't really even you after all!
My world is shattered.
Quote from: melee on 19 Jan 2011 10:01:37 AM
My world is shattered.
Don't worry - Lynn was just making a joke! I'm not entirely sure I get it, though - why would she think my picture wasn't really of me? I mean, I'll admit my hair is slightly greyer these days, but it's not a recent pic...
You should keep with this one. The most recent picture I've seen just isn't as flattering (http://i51.tinypic.com/riemxe.jpg).
Quote from: PaulM on 19 Jan 2011 10:53:09 AM
You should keep with this one. The most recent picture I've seen just isn't as flattering (http://i51.tinypic.com/riemxe.jpg).
I am afraid Melee is going to get really upset now!
Quote from: Lynn on 19 Jan 2011 10:57:20 AM
I am afraid Melee is going to get really upset now!
Whoa, looks like he has a twin (or five) in my office!
Quote from: PaulM on 19 Jan 2011 10:53:09 AM
You should keep with this one. The most recent picture I've seen just isn't as flattering (http://i51.tinypic.com/riemxe.jpg).
I was seriously worried about clicking on that link - especially given that I am using my company laptop. I was relieved to see it was nothing horrid. Where did you get that pic of my sister, by the way?
i want to ask one think that is out of this topic but not useless will any one tell me about that ... . but make me sure that you will not make fun of me after listening that question .. ..ok :)
you people when reply to any one you quote its post in highlighted way in some type of gray box how do you do that ? ;D
One more thing the people and the salaries are not real because its a dummy DB that i am using come along with Cognos 8 (Trial version) but today My Trial Version has Expired :'(
In the Drill through property it tell us the target URL that is "Employee number" but there is another field that is Method should we remain it to "Default" ??
i have done it but results gave Error i mentioned in the attachment
Attachment is here !
i have "Drill Through" two column that is "detail" and "EmployeeId" column "Detail Column" is the object i had dragged from object area name "Hyperlink" and after that i renamed it to "DETAIL".
what ever you have told me i did that with both column but results in error with hyperlink column when i click to it ... .i thought that there is no value that i am passing through "DETAIL COLUMN" that's why i did all the procedure you told me with the "EMPLOYEE ID" column and have Successfully found the result ... . :)
Firstly the field "Employee ID" we do not want to show then how do i will go to the second Report and i want the same result with the "DETAIL" column ???
One thing can generates report on clicking the "DETAIL" column that is i had also set conditions that is "DETAIL" Drill Through property in "Label" tab i selected "SOURCE TYPE" as "DATA ITEM VALUE" and "DATA ITEM" as "EMPLOYEE_ID" even then it is giving the same result :'(
Best Regards,
Attachment for the last post.. .Showing Settings
YUUUUUUUPPPPIIII.. . i have done this .... :D i have changed the Display values of "EMPLOYEE_ID" column and hide the "DETAIL" column ! ;D
Hi Mohsin,
Well done!! :) To answer your question about quotes from other posters in the grey boxes, you do this simply by pressing the 'Quote' link at the top of the person's original post. Their text is then included in BB Quote tags in your own post.