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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: raviB on 19 Jan 2011 02:56:09 AM

Title: Where do I check user log in details
Post by: raviB on 19 Jan 2011 02:56:09 AM

Please advise me where do i need to check the user log in details- I need to user log in details for CAC.
Please advise.

Title: Re: Where do I check user log in details
Post by: Rutulian on 19 Jan 2011 05:50:26 AM
Hi Ravi,

For each application in CAC, the top item in the tree is Appname/Session/Session Details.  Click on this to find out who is currently logged in with write access to the application (at CAC level, not just writing to a node).

Is that what you're looking for?  There are also some optional audit tables which keep historic logon data, I'm not sure how much CAC activity gets recorded there though.  One of the appendices of the Contributor Admin Guide has the details, IIRC.

Hope that helps,

Title: Re: Where do I check user log in details
Post by: vihan on 20 Jan 2011 12:15:38 AM

Thanks you for info.

Also how do we check in Analyst user log in details..?
Title: Re: Where do I check user log in details
Post by: StuartS on 20 Jan 2011 03:39:15 AM
Depending on your access to analyst you should be able to navigate through the menus to Tools->File System Manager.  This will provide the user information you require.


Title: Re: Where do I check user log in details
Post by: vihan on 21 Jan 2011 06:15:10 AM
Hi Alexis,

I checked in Appname/Session/Session Details. but do not find the any details of the user logins.


Title: Re: Where do I check user log in details
Post by: ericlfg on 21 Jan 2011 08:17:40 AM
Hi Vihan,

I can explain this:  Once the user logs out of the CAC, it will remove their session information from that location.  I'm not aware of any other way to track who is logging into the CAC, other than possibly setting up an audit database, like Alexis mentioned in his previous post.  I'm not sure if the audit database will keep track of specific planning activities, as it's predominately a BI configuration component.  I know login information to cognos connection can be tracked via this configuration.

As for analyst tracking, I will have to agree/disagree with Stuart.  Analyst will behave the same way as the CAC.  Once a user logs in and begins opening objects, all of this information will be tracked and can be seen in the File System Monitor.  Once the user logs out, however, everything in that section is cleared.

I'd be interested to know of a way this can be done....

Title: Re: Where do I check user log in details
Post by: Rutulian on 24 Jan 2011 04:20:03 AM
Hi Vihan,

The responses show there are a few ways of getting at user logins, depending on what you're looking for.  There's a bit of research you'll need to do depending on what information you're looking to extract.  Other than the items already mentioned, consider the following:

For Workflow information that can be monitored without needing to publish: (

The Planning Audit annotations track web client actions like saves/submits.  I think there used to be an appendix in the Contributor Admin Guide that discussed the structure of the audit tables without having to publish, but I didn't find it on a quick scan of the Info Center.  This link covers the basics: (

Finally, there's the Cognos 8 platform audit DB, I've not used this much but this doc seems to have some information: (

Happy Auditing!