Dear all.
Sorry, Can I get step by step to install Cognos version 10.1.0 here?
I want to install it to 2 server, web server and content server.
Thanks all
Just search on the IBM site for the Cognos 10 Installation and Configuration guide. I am using my iPhone at the moment so can't post a link, sorry.
Not the "friendliest" site I've been on....
Try this....
Here's a link to all 18 Install guides for CX. Below that are the Admin, Author, Analyze, Model, Develop, & Release Notes - and then further below various language versions fo the guides.
Any chance of getting the link to the download page?
I can't find it for the life of me!
Sorry for delay,
Do you mean the product download page or the one mentioned in my earlier post? If it is the latter - all install, admin, etc.... docs are downloadable right off that page.
For the former (products), you will need your log on and access to the Software Access page [], Log In, and Search for C10 product....
Hope this helps.