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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: MC on 14 Jan 2011 12:36:54 PM

Title: GTP fail Unable to reconcile
Post by: MC on 14 Jan 2011 12:36:54 PM

I'm trying to create a new application in contributor and when I try and run the GTP I keep on getting this error:-

Unable to reconcile 'Node name'

Error executing J expression : ' ACE2_rcACE2_xids BlockPackage' =: 93 GetBlockPackage_IModelEdit_NodeGuid; < PackageFormat

Anyone seen this before? IBM support have no idea what the problem could be.

We do however have a large model 23M cells per e.list slice if that makes any difference?...
Title: Re: GTP fail Unable to reconcile
Post by: ericlfg on 14 Jan 2011 05:08:26 PM
Hey MC,

When you say: "IBM support have no idea what the problem could be" -- did you open a case with support to troubleshoot this issue, or are you referring to IBM support documents?

Generally this error is the result of:

1. The optionvalue column in the Adminoption table in the application datastore has been deleted.
2. The application has grown too large to reconcile.  Further cutting down of the application will need to take place, or you will have to split the application apart into smaller pieces, or you will have to break apart some of the cubes into smaller subsets.

When the GTP process goes through it attempts to do a very high level reconcile on all elist items, if it's not possible to reconcile then it will fail with the error you're seeing.  I would suggest to try to implement some no data access tables and turn on cut down models.  Then try GTP'ing the application again.

Please also review:

etc.  There are a number of others all stating the same thing.  Personally, I've seen 44 million cell applications function, but it's certainly dependent on the complexity of the application and how much it's "trimmed"

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: GTP fail Unable to reconcile
Post by: MC on 14 Jan 2011 05:37:43 PM
Thanks ericlfg

I think we worked out what the error was due to, I think I may have added in totals above the level of the data in the access tables.

i.e. the access tables would work currently as:

Parent 1

Then in sync with analyst and add Parent 2 so you now have:

Parent 1
Parent 2

But in the Saved selections/access tables it was only referncing to the Parent 1 as parent 2 did not previously exist, now parent 2 exists its at a higher level it errors out.

Also the erroring out on the elist size makes sense, the problem is that I need to add the Parent 2 as above, so in which case do I need to sync with analyst so that the parent 2 is now available to choose in the saved selections and reallocate the access tables with the new parents before I reconcile? As the problem is that it tries to reconcile after every time you change either the saved selections or the access tables. So if i only get to change the access tables the cube is now (as you pointed out) probably too big to reconcile but it wants to reconcile it before i can choose the new saved selections for the new parent items...