Hi Everybody,
When a end user try execute a macro in a portal, show the next message:
"The run History no longer exists. It may have been deleted because it exceeded the retention period."
But we verified in CAC->Monitoring Console all steps are completed successful and reconcile applications.
Thank for your help.
Try the first result of this, but remember messing with the content store is risky etc etc:
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=The+run+History+no+longer+exists.+It+may++have+been+deleted+because+it+exceeded+the+retention+period&meta= (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=The+run+History+no+longer+exists.+It+may++have+been+deleted+because+it+exceeded+the+retention+period&meta=)
Slightly different trigger, but similar behaviour happening.
And I've given away my secret way of finding IBM KB docs ;)
PS If that doesn't help / is too scary to try, try executing different sorts of macros, C8 only ones too, and let us know about any differences in behaviour between them.
Hi Alexis,
Thanks for your comments.
This is a general behavior when a user execute a macro on portal, always show the same message, but when check at CAC (steps are successful execute). We investigate on google & IBM, before create this topic but the show cause(web sites) aren't same our trouble.
We verified all the server configurations, error logs, etc. to check any possible error.
Which possible errors have been checked?
Sorry if this is running through things again, but are all your servers using the same notification store, and does that notification store have NC_ columns if you look at the DB directly?
If you've got a multi-server/product/instance environment, you might want to try disabling the notification service on all machines except for the one where your planning job service is running. This isn't a great solution, but if it works it gives us somewhere to build up from, and it's the sort of thing I could imagine slipping through QC.