In EP, you can evaluate what the user selected and continue to do additional calcuations from the user selected field. I am new to TM1 and know the Picklist feature within TM1 that allows you the capabilities to do a drop down list. When tracing the value of the Picklist, I see what was entered in the Picklist Static::Actual:Forecast.
The rule is
[trend] =N: IF (ATTRS(Trend Calc, Actual_Forecast_Flag, Picklist) @= 'Actual') , [Actual_Units], 99999);
This rule is always set to False regardless of what flag is selected because it is evaluating the Picklist attribute and not selected value.
Can someone assist me on how the evaluate the selected value? I have looked at the Developers Guide, the Rules Guide and all posting and do not see the solution.
The value chosen from the picklist resides as a string value in a cube cell. Rather than testing the attribute you need to test the relevant cell eg.
[trend] =N: IF (DB('your cube', !dim1, !dim2, !dim3, 'your measure') @= 'Actual') , [Actual_Units], 99999);
Thank you. OLAPBPMguy.