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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => PowerPlay Studio => Topic started by: dtopicMedV on 12 Jan 2011 04:40:14 PM

Title: IE or Cognos8.4.1 Power Play Studio issue: working area just goes blank
Post by: dtopicMedV on 12 Jan 2011 04:40:14 PM

We have C8.4.1 PowerPlay cubes built in transformer and our users brows them via PP Studio.
Several of our users reported that somtime, randomly, when re-sizing browser window or if they have weird screen resolutions, they can see only left part of the screen (list of the dimensions and measures). Rest of screen, including whole cross-tab/working area just goes blank.
I was able to recreate the issue using IE 7 and IE 8 but not if I use FireFox.
Has anyody noticed that and is there something to be fixedchanged in configuration short to telling your users get rid of IE?

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: IE or Cognos8.4.1 Power Play Studio issue: working area just goes blank
Post by: dtopicMedV on 03 Feb 2011 02:26:44 PM
Fixed this issue by turning on Compability View option in IE8.