Image insertion in report resulting in error as shown in the pic kindly help me out??? Embarrassed
Best Regards,
Syed mohsin Raza
Why don't you put the images under:
Program Files\cognos\c8\webcontent\samples\images
and in Report Studio write the path like:
Also check if 'Directory Browsing' is checked on for the virtual directory for cognos
i have did that but its still giving error as shown in the attachment. :'(
Best Regards,
Syed Mohsin Raza
Hi Mohsin,
You must remember that you are using Cognos Express not Cognos 8. Cognos Express does not use a conventional web server, but rather uses the inbuilt Tomcat instance (hence all your initial URLs are of the form http://<hostname>:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch...)
Relocate your images folder so it sits below <install path>\webapps\p2pd
When you have done this, enter the URL of the image you want to use in the form:
http://<your server>:9300/p2pd/images/<your image file>
I'm not convinced you will get image browsing to work, but you should be able to address each image directly via its url as above.
your Experience always work !! humm ... now i m getting images :)
Best Regards,
Syed Mohsin Raza