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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: bloggerman on 11 Jan 2011 02:17:29 AM

Title: Active Reports?
Post by: bloggerman on 11 Jan 2011 02:17:29 AM
When we say it provides interactive reports to end users, do we mean users have the option to change the structure of the report like add columns, calculations etc or just view the report outputs. If it only has the option to view outputs then i would think that even pdf output could serve the purpose. Or did i miss something?
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: MFGF on 11 Jan 2011 03:53:37 AM

You get far more functionality than with static PDF outputs.  Users can interact with the saved output by filtering/sorting, changing from one display to another (eg pie chart to column chart) etc.  All the required interactivity does need to be coded into the report, though, using new controls in Report Studio.  The rendered output is an MHT file, so not all browsers will support it.

Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: Rutulian on 11 Jan 2011 05:39:43 AM
Is this using HTML5 offline, or other tech?  Just guessing from the filetype it might be MS... as Cognos and IBM are both pro open-standards I am very hopeful it'll go to HTML5 once everything's ratified.

[edit] MHT stands for Mimetype-HTML, nothing to do with MS... though it was first introduced in IE it's not closed [/edit]
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: MFGF on 11 Jan 2011 06:00:26 AM
It's rendered as a single .MHT file.  Internet explorer handles it well, Firefox less well (and it needs the unMHT addin), and Safari not at all.
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: bloggerman on 12 Jan 2011 05:55:40 AM
Thanks MF
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: blom0344 on 14 Jan 2011 06:30:34 AM
We had a pre-sales demo just yesterday. The first thing that came to my mind when seeing active reports were the great opportunities to use this in a sales meeting. Instead of showing off static PDF's one can use an offline demo-set which makes it a much livelier experience. It also takes away the related stress when using a local installation for demoing 'live' reports!!
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: antexity on 27 Jan 2011 09:08:57 AM
Would anyone have a very nice demo of a Active report, one that I can play with.  I created one from the Sample GOSales data and I found it week, I know it can be more powerful than that.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: MFGF on 27 Jan 2011 03:29:01 PM
I have a couple of active reports I could share, but they are too big to attach.

Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: blom0344 on 03 Feb 2011 01:27:50 AM
No way to get them (= active reports) to work on an Ipad I guess? Transferring regular PDF versions of RS reports to the Ipad seems to work and they look 'smoking'   ;D
Support for this combo would be very nice..
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: MFGF on 03 Feb 2011 03:55:19 PM
Hi Ties,

Currently no.  The problem is that the Safari browser does not support MHT files, and Apple's iPad does not support any other browsers.  You could always try petitioning Apple to get MHT support added... :-)

Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: antexity on 04 Feb 2011 07:55:25 AM
Supposedly, Documents 2 APP for Ipad can open MHT, but I am not sure if it will be interactive.   I would contact them to see if it will do what you want it to do... (

Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: wendyr75 on 16 Mar 2011 08:38:05 AM

I have written quite a few Active Reports now but I'm trying to find a way to filter the Data Drop Down Box with the Items that are in the list.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Would love to see any other Active Reports that anyone has created, not sure of all the functionality yet.  Might be great stuff out there that I'm not aware of.


Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: rcoon on 28 Oct 2011 02:24:13 PM
FYI, apparently IBM released an iPad report viewing app a couple days ago. Haven't tried it myself yet.
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: MFGF on 31 Oct 2011 05:47:07 AM
Yes - the new Cognos 10 App from the Apple store supports running Active Reports on the iPad. It was originally launched mid-September (2011) but a new enhanced version has just been released last week.


Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: vetteheadracer on 16 Jan 2012 03:22:31 PM
Saw a demo of the iPad App and it looks very impressive, just need to persuade my employer that they need to buy me an iPad to develop the apps on...... ;)
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: MFGF on 20 Jan 2012 11:44:47 AM
If it helps, you can tell your employer the Muppet says you need one! :)
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: charon on 24 Jan 2012 10:45:08 AM
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: hthakkar on 05 Mar 2012 02:57:43 AM
Yes,the App launched by IBM is a powerful Application to show different behaviors like Swipe,Tap n all.We can provide great interactivity via Active reports in an App.
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: hthakkar on 05 Mar 2012 03:32:16 AM
I have created an App as a POC in Active reports.One thing to notice is that it only can be developed in Active reports in Cognos 10.1.1.Features like Swipe,Tap,run time driving of objects can be easily achieved by this.So now we can also work on the UI to make it more interactive for the users.
Title: Re: Active Reports?
Post by: charon on 05 Mar 2012 03:40:02 PM
hey ht, could you provide information on how to achieve Tap and run time driving? I know from the cookbook how to create A.r. that can beswiped, but the other options you have mentioned are new to me...would be nice :)