Maybe someone can give a more elegant solution here....I created 26 lists because there was no 1 simple grouping variabl. For example, in list 1 I wanted codes 5100 through 5502 except for 5501, in list 2 I wanted 7100 through 7200 + 711W + 5501, etc.
How can I format so that the first 3 queries/lists are on one page, the next 4 on page 2, etc.?
Thanks in advance.
It's not entirely clear to me, but what about sectioning the query or create a master-detail report.
I don't think I can do 1 query and section it by acct_codes because the sections are not numerically logical (one section has to have 6101-6121 except for 6104, 6105, for example). So to work around this, I created 26 different queries (!).
Here are my some of my filters....
query 1
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='6101' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='6118' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='6119' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='6120' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='6121'
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='6104' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='6105'
(([Financial Views].[ACCT_code]>='7100' and
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]<'7200') or
([Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='711P' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='711Q' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='711R' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='711S' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='711T' or
[Financial Views].[ACCT_code]='711W')
I have 26 of these and I want to put the first 3 or 4 on one page, etc. As it is now they print out on different pages but there is no footer on each individual page--only at the end.
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: cuibono on 07 Jan 2011 09:51:44 AM
I don't think I can do 1 query and section it by acct_codes because the sections are not numerically logical (one section has to have 6101-6121 except for 6104, 6105, for example). So to work around this, I created 26 different queries (!).
Ok, first, I think 26 queries are probably too many, but it's hard to tell what you're trying to accomplish here. I think you could use NOT and AND logic to filter these down and lower your query overhead. That being said, you could create a table that is 3 columns by 1 row and drop the list reports in that way?