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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: RickC on 03 Jan 2011 05:03:12 PM

Title: QA pointing to Production
Post by: RickC on 03 Jan 2011 05:03:12 PM
I Exported my Libraries and then Imported into QA.  Also, I had the DBA's copy the databases.

However, on the QA server, the Applications want to attach to the Production Libraries instead of the QA Libraries.

Any suggestions?
Title: Re: QA pointing to Production
Post by: ericlfg on 03 Jan 2011 05:30:29 PM
Hey Rick,

I would expect that the QA applications would want to connect to the production libraries because they were copied from production.  Best practice is to use the deployment facility to migrate the applications from any source environment. 

It's an easy fix.  Open the application in the CAC, click on Synchronize with Analyst, and click the 3 dots (ellipsis), select the QA library which should be a copy of the production library.

Title: Re: QA pointing to Production
Post by: RickC on 22 Mar 2011 11:42:47 AM
It turns out the problem was in the filesys.ini.  Someone in IT copied this file from Production and did not make the necessary changes.  This caused a problem within Cognos and overwrote my changes within Cognos.
Title: Re: QA pointing to Production
Post by: ericlfg on 22 Mar 2011 03:34:22 PM
Thanks for the update.

It's unfortunate when IT administrators make changes to products without first confirming with the application support folks what the impact could be.. 

Glad it got figured out!