We have a requirement where we need to render reports dynamically based on the groups to which the user belong.We have multiple groups which have been created in LDAP.
The name of the group for a particular user is created as an attribute in LDAP.We have taken that attribute as a session parameter and are able to render reports using Conditional block via string variable in Cognos for a particular user.This is working only if one user is belonging to one group only.
Now there is a scenario in which one user can belong to two or mutilpe groups eg:- Group A,Group B etc which are there in LDAP. We are able to retreive all the groups for one user using macro function csvidentitynamedlist in Framework manager.
It is giving all group names like Group A, Group B for one user. But we are facing issues on how to use it for rendering of reports dynamically. So in that case we need to show the reports for both Group A , Group B for that user.
If anybody have worked on a similar requirement on how to render reports based on multiple groups for a single user, it would be very helpful if you can give some ideas on it.
Hi- Were you ever able to achieve this? Please share. Thanks!
Instead of using a conditional block, use a series of blocks with render variables. The render variables should be something like [Query].[groups] contains 'Security group 1'.