I'm trying to add a DB2 stored procedure to my Accounts Receivable framework. the stored procedure is external (CALLS an RPG program) and does not return a result set. This stored procedure has two inputs of order number and company code and one output which is the order total.Ã, I tried bringing the stored procedure into my frame work and I was able to import it just fine although I don't know how I'm suppose to link it to my model.Ã, Also when I test the stored procedure I receive the following error message:
QE-DEF-0396 Invalid argument type for Stored Procedure 'ORDCHGMST_GETORDMCHAMTTOT' argument 'PORD_MCH_AMT_TOT'. Stored Procedure argument types of 'out' and 'in/out' are not supported.
If anyone could help me I would be forever gratefull!!Ã, I'm new to Framework manager and I can't really find any information on the use of stored procedures and when I do find information there are no instructions on how to set them up.
In ReportNet, a Query Subject can only call a stored procedure which returns a single uniform result set. As yours doesn't, you're not going to be able to use it - sorry. See the Framework Manager User Guide - page 81 - for more details.