I've found out that Analyst 8.4.1 can be run only by the same user who have installed it on Win2008R2 server
No one else can run it. Even administrators.
That is why we can not run it using remote desktop and use data sources on server.
Error message and registry structure are in attached file
By the way, there is no entry HKCU\\software\cognos\analyst in registry
All actions to grant permissions on registry parts, folders...to change policies, user rights were useless
There is no such trouble under Windows7 environment.
Analyst can be run by all users.
Does anybody know the solution ?
Any tips will be highly appreciated
Hey Fan,
This is a defect. There is no -supported- workaround to get this working on the server . Supposedly it will be fixed in 8.4.1 FP1 and the issue is not present in 10.1.
I would recommend that you install a 2003 server to be used as a terminal machine, or install Analyst on each end user machine that needs to run it.
Hope this helps.
Thank you, ericlfg
I take your point. Shure thing it will work fine
But the main unconvenience that I can not use data sources on server (e.g. ODBC for publication from Analyst), links Analyst-Contributor and so on
May be this will help someone
If you transfer relevant registry parts from win7 host (where Analyst was installed) to win2008r2 host (where Analyst was installed) you will get the possibility to run remote Analyst on win2008r2
You have to transfer HKCU\software\cognos\... and HKCU\software\IBM\cognos\... for each user
Hey Fan,
While I understand your concerns, manually manipulating the registry is what I was referring to as an -unsupported- workaround. Cognos support will not be able to support your 2k8 machine as it hasn't been tested and there's no way to say what other areas this may impact. I've spent many hours working on this particular problem and the safest way to approach this is to avoid using the 2k8 r2 machine until this issue is fixed.
To clarify, you can still use C<A and A<C links with a thick-client install of Analyst so long as the CAC (Contributor Admin Console) is installed as well. As for the datasources, you are correct. Anything that's specified on the server wouldn't be available to end users.
So I still recommend, if available, that a 2k3 server (in a VM environment would suffice) be brought up to serve this purpose.