as you told me i did that n found some thing wrong in cogconfig.exe under bin within Framework. i did some configuration in it that cxhost,cxport and given host port as in tnsnames.ora after it i save setting and play service but resulting in error as i mentioned in the attachment ... . Sad
so please sir once again i need your help .. . thanks
error is in the attachment chk it out !
Why are you trying to start a Cognos 8 service instance? The only thing you should be doing is making sure that the dispatcher and gateway URIs are the same hostname and port number as their counterparts in the main Express configuration, then saving the settings.
Why are you using settings for tnsnames.ora? This is for the Oracle configuration, not Cognos Express!
Muppet do you know .. . you are great !!
as u told me i did that and problem has solved .. . awesome buddy :)
u helped me .. .a lot now i m going ahead and if i found some other problem then you should be ready for that ;D Take Care.
Glad it's sorted and working properly. Have a very happy Christmas! :)
buddy but after that it is not connecting to cognos some sort of error is giving .. . as shown in the attachment now what have i done wrong .. . see the attachment please .. :-\
Try stopping and restarting the machine. Once it has restarted, make sure you can log in to Cognos Connection via a browser, then try FM again.
If FM still gives this error, you will probably need to go back to Manager and uninstall FM, then re-install it.
humm .. . brilliant one it has done ! thanx dude you are a not a human you are a Coumputer ! :)