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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Kutti on 21 Dec 2010 09:12:23 PM

Title: Hide prompt based on user group
Post by: Kutti on 21 Dec 2010 09:12:23 PM
Hi All,

As per my requirement i have a prompt page with 4 prompts of which one of the promt is Report Type with three values (a, b,c).

That report will be used by 200 users of which one user is manager. I need to hide report type prompt for 199 users and just show remaining 3 prompts when the report is sent to the users  and for manager show all the 4 prompts in the prompt page.

Please help me to get this implemented.

Title: Re: Hide prompt based on user group
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 21 Dec 2010 09:32:52 PM
Say your manager ID is: '123'

Create a Boolean variable: #sq($account.personalInfo.userName)#='123'

Apply it on your Value Prompt. If it is YES, then Hide else Show it.

Hope it works for you.

Title: Re: Hide prompt based on user group
Post by: Kutti on 22 Dec 2010 08:59:23 PM
Hi ,

I have a new requirement

I hava a prompt (Department type) in prompt page with multiple values in it like DepA, DepB, DepC .... and these values should be displayed based on the user accessing it. If DepA manager executes the report then just value DepA should be dispalyed in the prompt and reamining values should be hidden and if DepB Manager executes the report the Value DepB should be displayed.

Please help me to get this implemented.
