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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: jack082 on 21 Dec 2010 05:49:32 AM

Title: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: jack082 on 21 Dec 2010 05:49:32 AM

Hello Cognos User's,
I have one list report and one value prompt page. When I select PDF in prompt the report will show in PDF format and when I select HTML then report will show in HTML format.
How do I achieve this?

Title: Re: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: Lynn on 21 Dec 2010 08:58:58 AM
Here is a document I wrote on using a drill through technique for output format prompting. It isn't really a prompt at all, but rather a drill through link on the prompt page back to the same report.

I think someone might have posted a java script approach for this somewhere, but I generally avoid JS where an out of the box solution is possible.
Title: Re: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: Sreeni P on 22 Dec 2010 12:45:02 AM
Quote from: jack082 on 21 Dec 2010 05:49:32 AM
Hello Cognos User's,
I have one list report and one value prompt page. When I select PDF in prompt the report will show in PDF format and when I select HTML then report will show in HTML format.
How do I achieve this?


Hi Jack,

It is not that much tedious thing to use JavaScript in our reports,

Here I'm sending some script which will give you a set of choices to get the out put based on the section from choices

Here it goes,

1. Open the report in Report Studio.
2. Add a new prompt page to the report from Page Explorer.
3. Open the prompt page and insert a new HTML item in the page body.
4. Define the HTML item as follows:

<script language="javascript">
function gotoUrl()
{var obj=document.all['OutputFormat'];
/* Below function passed the selected output format to the server */
<-- Below will create a dropdown with choices -->
<select name="OutputFormat" OnBlur="javascript:gotoUrl()">
<option value="HTML">HTML</option>
<option value="PDF">PDF</option>
<option value="singleXLS">Excel 2000 Single Sheet</option>
<option value="spreadsheetML">Excel 2007</option>
<option value="XLWA">Excel 2002</option>
<option value="XLS">Excel 2000</option>
<-- Bellow will not required most of times -->
<option value="CSV">Delimited text (CSV)</option>
<option value="XML">XML</option>
5. Run the report to test it.

Note: Instead of giving all the formats as option, you can narrow it down to only HTML, PDF, and Excel. Alternatively, you can also put a checkbox for 'Printable' and if the user selects it, pass the value as PDF or otherwise HTML.
Title: Re: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: wolfwood on 03 Feb 2011 07:16:04 AM
Hi, I'm a real beginner with report studio and java.  You script works perfectly.  Is it possible to wrap this around a set of radio buttons and get the selection choice from there?  Or does this have to stay as a drop down list?

Thanks much.
Title: Re: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: bvk.cognoise on 04 Mar 2011 05:30:45 AM
hi jack ,

dont fell its a very simple one.u can do  it need java or HTML just Follow the simple Steps.

1st step:-
>create a report with any data items
eg:product line,product type,revenue
>save that report

2nd step:-
>open saved report
>go to page explorer,create new prompt page
>from insertable objects pane drag a text item into prompt page,enter text  as 'PDF' in that text item
>Drag another text item into that same  prompt page enter text as 'HTML' in that tex item
>do the same process to all formats like excel,csv,xml  etc......

3rd step
>then right click on first text item 'PDF' then click on drillthrough Defination
>drill through window will open
>click on new new drill through button in drill through window.
>under  target  tab
>click on report then select saved report(means the report which you saved  in 1st step) click ok
>under actions  change action to  'run report'
>under format change format to 'PDF' .click ok
>next again go to prompt page ,right click on 'HTML' text item click on drill through defination
>drill through window will open
>click on new new drill through button in drill through window.
>under  target  tab
>click on report then select saved report(means the report which you saved  in 1st step) click ok
>under actions  change action to  'run report'
>under format change format to 'HTML' .click ok
>repeat  same process to all Excel,csv,xml,html  text items  which you created before in prompt page.
>but  under  format change format to respected text items.

eg::       for excel dat item     ----- change  format  to 'excel'
              for to xml dat item   -----  change format to ' xml'
              for to csv dat item    -----  change format to  'csv'

it is very easy need to use java or HTML.hope u understand ???

Title: Re: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: ravimahazan84 on 07 Apr 2015 10:46:49 PM
Hi Jack,
Please find the solution as explained in my website sourcetofind.
Title: Re: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: bdbits on 08 Apr 2015 09:10:11 AM
Really? You think he is still looking for a solution four years later, or are you just trying to generate clicks to your website?

If you want to offer a solution, it belongs in a post right here.
Title: Re: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: Lynn on 08 Apr 2015 09:34:41 AM
Quote from: bdbits on 08 Apr 2015 09:10:11 AM
Really? You think he is still looking for a solution four years later, or are you just trying to generate clicks to your website?

If you want to offer a solution, it belongs in a post right here.

I agree! If someone is referring to another site with an answer it should be a link to a specific location where that answer can be found so as not to make the person wander around aimlessly trying to find it.
Title: Re: how to get report output format base on the prompt value selection
Post by: Michael75 on 08 Apr 2015 10:21:50 AM
Hi Ravi,

Your blog is interesting and has some good content. But I agree with Lynn & bdbits that you should probably go about this a bit differently. How about introducing yourself on the Cognoise board 'Introduce yourself and your company':,30.0.html (,30.0.html) ?

I'm sure you will be welcomed there  :)

Rgds, Michael