Hi All;
I am a reporting analyst using Crystal Reports / Microsoft SSRS 2008 and kind of lost where to start with IBM Cognos.
I have installed IBM Cognos BI 8.4 but was unable to find the Query Studio or The Cognos Connection in the installed product.
My Question is : Where do i get to download the Query Studio and the Cognos Connection. These 2 parts are the essential tools required to start learning as i understood from reading the net.
Can somebody please send me a link or get me the exact name of the product that i have to download from IBM to get started.
Appreciate Ur Help
Maj ed - Sydney
Can you tell us exactly which install for Cognos 8 you used? From your message, I'd guess it's not the IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Server install (which is the one you really need).
Thanksfor ur reply.
This is what i have downloaded and installed:
1- IBM cognos 8 BI Server 32-bit Windows.tar.zip
2- IBM 8 Bi Modeling 8.4 Windows.tar.zip
3- IBM cognos 8 BI transformer 8,4 & metric Modeling 8.4
4- IBM cognos 8 BI metric Server
Which install of version or !! will allow me to install the Query Studio, Report Studio, Analysis Studio, Event Studio.
Best Regards
The first one in your list will install the main BI server components, including Cognos Connection, Query Studio, Analysis Studio, Report Studio, Event Studio, Admin console and all the required underlying architecture.
The second one will give you Framework Manager and Map Manager.
The third one (first part of the line) will give you Transformer.
The third one (second part of the line) will give you Metric Designer.
The fourth one will give you Metric Studio.