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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: cognooby on 17 Dec 2010 03:30:54 PM

Title: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: cognooby on 17 Dec 2010 03:30:54 PM
Hi there

I just installed C8.4 and got it working on my laptop.  Working in the sense that I can connect to data sources, test connections etc.

I have unpacked the samples into their appropriate destinations and created a folder on content manager called "samples"  where the sample DW and gosales packages were published.

If I use FM to check for connections, the tests are ok.

If I check content manager data source connections, they are OK too.

Now, when I go into report studio and try to open a report, I am having some issues!

First, I was getting the error -

QE-DEF-0288 Unable to find the data source 'great_outdoors_warehouse' in the content store.

After doing some reading here, I figured out that for some reason, the reports point to a data source called "great_outdoors_warehouse" but the samples were installed under content manager - samples\gosales.  So I renamed the CM datasource to great_outdoors_warehouse and tried to re-run the report.  This time, I am no longer getting the DEF-028 error, but now I get the following error:

An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-201'.

Can someone please tell me how I can resolve this?  I believe that this has to do with the dbase name not being consistent in CM/RS, but I am not sure how to go about fixing it.

As you can tell from the name, I'm a little "fresh" when it comes to Cognos :)

Title: Re: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: MFGF on 18 Dec 2010 01:44:04 AM

gosales and great_outdoors_warehouse should be separate, different data source connections - they are not the same structure.  The error you are now getting is as a result of the required table/column names not being found in the data source.

What data sources do you have set up, and how are they named in C8?

Title: Re: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: cognooby on 20 Dec 2010 10:13:12 AM

Thanks for the suggestions.  Let me give you more info on my setup:

* Machine - Dell Laptop 3GIG RAM/ 120GB HD, XP Pro, Cog 8.4, Apache 2.2, Oracle 10G Enterprise Ed
* Oracle Schemas restored - gosales, gosalesrt, gosalesdw, gosalesmr, gosaleshr

Please check the setups as outlined below and let me know your thoughts :)


Framework Manager:
1. Project : go_sales

Name: gosales
CM Datasource: GOSALES
Type: Relational
Interface: OR
Test: Succesful

Name: gosales1
CM Datasource: GOSALESRT
Type: Relational
Interface: OR
Test: Succesful

Name: gosales2
CM Datasource: GOSALESHR
Type: Relational
Interface: OR
Test: Succesful

2. Project : go_data_warehouse

Name: go_data_warehouse
CM Datasource: GOSALESDW
Type: Relational
Interface: OR
Test: Succesful

Content Manager:

- gosales
- gosalesmr
- gosaleshr
- gosalesdw


- When I try to run reports on sales or salesdw from report studio, I get an error saying the datasource doesn't exist.
e.g. Public Folders>Samples>Models>Interactive Samples>Percentage Calculation (By Year) returns this error:


      Unable to find the data source 'great_outdoors_warehouse' in the content store.

- If I go in and change the top-level datasource name in Content Manager to the name report studio is looking for,
e.g. from "gosalesdw" to "great_outdoors_warehouse", I no longer get the 0288 error and the system appears to be "busy", but results in this error:


      An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-201'.

UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "columns".ORA-00942: table or view does not exist UDA-SQL-0196 The table or view "GO_TIME_DIM" was not found in the dictionary.RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back:RSReportService.cpp(758): QFException: CCL_CAUGHT: RSReportService::process()RSReportServiceMethod.cpp(239): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSReportServiceMethod::process(): asynchWait_RequestRSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(774): QFException: RSASyncExecutionThread::checkExceptionRSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(211): QFException: CCL_CAUGHT: RSASyncExecutionThread::run(): asynchRun_RequestRSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(824): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSASyncExecutionThread::processCommand(): asynchRun_RequestExecution/RSRenderExecution.cpp(593): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSRenderExecution::executeAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(264): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssemblyAssembly/RSLayoutAssembly.cpp(64): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSLayoutAssembly::assembleAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(331): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchChildrenAssemblyForwardAssembly/RSReportPagesAssembly.cpp(163): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSReportPagesAssembly::assembleAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(281): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssemblyAssembly/RSPageAssembly.cpp(287): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSPageAssembly::assembleAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(281): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssemblyAssembly/RSTableRowAssembly.cpp(160): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSTableRowAssembly::assembleAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(281): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssemblyAssembly/RSTableCellAssembly.cpp(122): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSTableCellAssembly::assembleAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(331): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchChildrenAssemblyForwardAssembly/RSTableAssembly.cpp(97): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSTableAssembly::assembleAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(331): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchChildrenAssemblyForwardAssembly/RSTableRowAssembly.cpp(160): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSTableRowAssembly::assembleAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(281): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssemblyAssembly/RSTableCellAssembly.cpp(122): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSTableCellAssembly::assembleAssembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(331): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchChildrenAssemblyForwardRSQueryMgr.cpp(1051): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::getResultSetIteratorRSQueryMgr.cpp(1211): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::createIteratorRSQueryMgr.cpp(1511): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::executeRsapiCommandRSQueryMgr.cpp(1498): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::executeRsapiCommandRSQueryMgrExecutionHandlerImpl.cpp(174): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgrExecutionHandlerImpl::execute()RSQueryMgrExecutionHandlerImpl.cpp(154): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgrExecutionHandlerImpl::execute()RSQFSession.cpp(243): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQFSession::DoRequestQFSSession.cpp(603): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest()QFSSession.cpp(601): QFException: CCL_CAUGHT: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest()QFSSession.cpp(558): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest()QFSConnection.cpp(737): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSConnection::ExecuteQFSQuery.cpp(199): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSQuery::Execute v2CoordinationQFSQuery.cpp(4174): QFException: CCL_THROW: CoordinationPlanner

Title: Re: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: MFGF on 20 Dec 2010 10:22:29 AM

Did you follow the relevant steps in the Installation and Configuration Guide (  According to the guide, your should have named your Cognos 8 data source pointing to the GOSALESDW database as great_outdoors_warehouse...

Title: Re: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: cognooby on 20 Dec 2010 11:03:06 AM
Yes, but even if I do that, I get the other error.  I will start from scratch and recreate the data sources.
Title: Re: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: cognooby on 20 Dec 2010 01:13:35 PM
Ok, rebuilt the content store databases from scratch and still have the same issues!
Title: Re: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: jive on 20 Dec 2010 02:35:53 PM
When we install the sample we have some problem like that, I don't know why but some table in the report are not in the package or the name it's different. We manage to rebuild most of them with the right source table and run it. I think in the example the are more then one version of the package. and yes, we follow all the installation instruction and guide ;-). Or may be I don't took the right one.

Title: Re: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: MFGF on 22 Dec 2010 03:41:16 AM

I'd suggest that you launch the IBM Cognos Administration console from your browser and go to the Configuration tab.  Remove the great_outdoors_warehouse data source and set it up again from scratch (pointing to the GOSALESDW database).

Title: Re: Go Sales Sample Reports - RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: pankajjunagade on 20 Jan 2011 02:34:36 PM
Hello All,

I have installed congos 8.4.1 and it is working fine. Now I'm also trying to 'Oracle' samples working for me. I'm following the steps mentioned in IBM Installation and Configuration Guide ( Thanks for the link MFGF ). However, I couldn't understand what exactly I'm expected to do in 3rd step. Following are the steps give in guide:

1.  On the computer where IBM Cognos 8 is installed, go to the sql server, oracle, or db2 directory located in  c8_location /webcontent/samples/datasources.

2.  If required, copy the backup files for the samples databases to your database backup directory.

To ensure the security and integrity of IBM Cognos 8, copy the files to a directory that is protected from unauthorized or inappropriate access.

3.  Restore the samples databases using your database management tool.


For SQL backup files, restore the database from a device, and ensure that the restore locations are correct for the .ldf and .mdf database files. For more information, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation or the IBM Cognos Knowledge Base on the IBM Cognos Customer Service Center (

For DB2, when you create the GS_DB database, create a buffer pool with a page size of 16 KB and an associated tablespace.

4.  For each database, create at least one user who has select permissions for all the tables in the restored databases.


Am I expeted to create each schema in oracle? And maunally create required tables. How would I load the data from dump files?

Please help me to understand this step.

Thank you every one for being kind enough to share comments here.
