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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Anke on 15 Dec 2010 03:04:08 PM

Title: Changing a page list to point to new query
Post by: Anke on 15 Dec 2010 03:04:08 PM
I have a report with several joins in it, the report output page is a list.  I have created several new queries and joins and would like for the list to point to a different query.  I found in the List (under ancestor) to point to a new query, but the data items still show the old query. 

Since I have just created new joins and the data items are the same, isn't there some way to not only change the list query to a new query, but also have the items to point to the new query?

Example.  [query1].employeeName  table is now joined to another table, so I change the list to point to the new query created by the join [finalqry].  In the list, the employee still shows the [query1] schema.  I would like to have the data item say [finalqry].employeeName, without having delete and move to the list again. 

The reason is, the list on my report has extensive conditional formating on each item, and I don't want to have to redo everything and suck up a bunch of time, if there is a way to simply point to the 'new' query.

Anke   :)
Title: Re: Changing a page list to point to new query
Post by: kattaviz on 16 Dec 2010 02:01:26 PM
Try replacing the [query1] with [finalqry] in the report specification XML if it is hte only change.

Title: Re: Changing a page list to point to new query
Post by: Anke on 17 Dec 2010 02:29:21 PM
Thanks for the suggestion.  Really,  I was trying to find a way to do this throught the interface.  There are several joins from the orginal qry1 to the final one, so there will be new fields output on the new final list.
I really thought I was able to do this is the past, but it was many dead braincells ago, and they are long gone or deleted  :-\
  Any other suggestions??? 

Oh, I just have so much formatting on the list, text flow and lots of conditional formatting, guess I had better get a start on the rework, just sucks to have to burn up a bunch of time on this :(
