I have a client who thinks the deployment process are a lot of steps. I am talking about the process of deploying contents from Test to Production (Reports,Packages etc). I personally don't think there should be an automation as it is better to do it in an interactive mode for better control and integrity. However, I was wondering if anybody knows of an automated way that is considered reliable.
Was the complaint "there's too many clicking involved!"?
Almost. The language was similar.. :)
Did you look at MetaManager from the good folks at BSP? (No I don't work for them)
Actually I've never used it but have heard good things about it and deployment is something it covers. Of course there still may be a lot of clicking involved ;D
Ok, thanks for the info.
So how do I go about it? Maybe Cognoise Administrator (I presume he must be with BSP) can put me in touch with somebody for a demo..
There is a thread here with some info about the product. You could try their website to get connected to the right person.
metamanager. very good product and i dont work with the compaany or use the product also. I did do the demo and it streamlines a lot of the process that is manual in nature in cognos. If i had my time i would of purchased it but our organization did not want to spend the money in this product after purchasing the entire cognos suite of products.