Hi there
Just starting out with Cognos here. Found a document by someone named HARISH on the net...followed through the installation steps until publishing the sample packages via FM. I have FM installed, but can't publish anything.
1. I am able to launch the Cognos page via IE at for
example. BUt when I try to publish anything, I get this error:
Unable to access service at URL:
Please check that your gateway URI information is configured correctly
and that the service is available.
For further information please contact your service administrator.
2. I am using Cognos 8.4, Windows XP, Apache 2.2, Oracle 10g EE
By the way, when I launch apache, I see just a blank command prompt
screen, but I am able to access teh cognos pages afterwards - which
tells me its working, but I found it a bit odd that there's no confirmation messages or anything else. Pretty cryptic, even by DOS standards :)
3. I have tried to modify Cognos Configuration Environment variables by
replacing localhost with as per suggestions posted in this forum and
restarted cognos. Still, getting the same error.
4. here is the entry from the httpd.conff file:
ScriptAlias /cognos8/cgi-bin "c:/program files/cognos/c8/cgi-bin"
<Directory "c:/program files/cognos/c8/cgi-bin">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride FileInfo
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All
Alias /cognos8 "c:/program files/cognos/c8/webcontent"
<Directory "c:/program files/cognos/c8/webcontent">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride FileInfo
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All
Can you please help me out? I know the problem is with the
configuration of the URI's / web server...I need to point to the right
IP / ports, but not sure how/where to do it!
Thanks :)
After installing FM you need to run it's configration manager as well to point to the right URI. It's a client application , so it needs some configuration as well..
Your config file says 'cognos/c8' whereas your URL says 'cognos8'.
What is the name of the virtual directory that you created in IIS/Tomcat ? You
need to use the same name in Cognos Configuration.
It is not a good idea to copy somebody else's steps as that person might have used a different
virtual name and path..
Are you using Framework Manager on the same machine as the Cognos 8 instance or is FM installed on a different machine on the network?
If it's the latter, then your configuration for FM should not point to as this is looking for the gateway on the machine FM is installed on.
Thanks for the replies, guys. Couple of updates,
First, FM and everything else is on the SAME machine, therefore, localhost/127... point to the right location.
Second, cognos8 directory alias points to the right directory in the conff file.
Any other ideas?
OK - thanks for the update. Your original post shows the error message from FM with a hard-coded port number (8080) in the URI - is this the port number you have configured Cognos 8 to use for the gateway? Does your Apache web server run on this port?
Ok, I got tired of troubleshooting this problem and removed/reinstalled everything. So its finally working now! I got other issues now, though. For example, I cant get any sample reports to work! I will post more on that in a new post. I dont think I should post the report studio issues in the FM area :)
Thanks to all of you for your help.