We have one package in which there are 2 folders, one folder has database tabels other folder has model query subjects.
Here while running monthly reports...if we use database tables we are getting last months data....but if we use model query subjects we are not getting last months data ( empty output).
Have anyone faced this issue before....we don't have any relationships issue and also there aren't any filters at FM level or at report level.
I think if you test the folder with the model qery subject and you have result, if you select the same the same query subject from the same folder in your report your supposed to have the same result as before. If not somewhere the wrong 'object' was read.
@Cognosun .. What is the difference between your datasource query subjects and model query subjects? Is your model query subject 1:1 to datasource query subjects or have you merged any of data source query subjects? Test model query subjects in FM itself if they are fetching any data...