while having server 2003(Enterprise),cognos 8 version 9,Oracle 10g(Express) while Cognos Configuration(Cogconfig.bat) i m getting error(java util missing resource exception can't find bundle for base name gs,local en_US) and i m not getting Oracle in data access content manager type box ! does this error results for not getting the oracle in type box ????
how can i resolve this issue please help me out from this issue i m new bie :"(
You said cognos 8 version 9
There is no such version !
Under Content Manager, you will see 'Content Store'. Right click, and select 'Delete'. Go one level up, right click on 'Content Manager' and select 'New resource'. You will get the option to select Oracle.
sir i m using cognos 8 version 9 trial version that is (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/downloads/im/cognosexpress/index.html?ca=dth-im). i know that we can get oracle in type box under content manager but the problem is that i m not getting option in type box it is just listing me cognos database option??? ???