Hi All,
I have set drill through's in my report such that they open up in a new page and when the user runs the drill through they open up with their own prompt page.
This works fine in Dev and test but does not work in prod. I tried another report also but it has the same problem.
Can any one tell me what could be causing this issue and also any solutions. I need any help as soon as possible.. thanks in advance
Is the browser on the Production server blocking the popups?
Hmm, but his users and he would be using the same browser and local user machine to access the different environments wouldn't they? So, if it works in one it should work on the other.
Does the drill through work on prod if you open in the same window? (by changing the option of a new window in the drill definition)
I havent checked that option yet
But this feature is something my manager wants in the report.
Its not an issue with pop blocks because we are able to use the same browser for dev and test.
If you are using the same browser on the same machine, is it possible this could be a browser cache issue? Try clearing the browser cache and see if the drillthrough works in Prod.
Quote from: paloalto_cognos on 09 Dec 2010 12:00:18 PM
I havent checked that option yet
But this feature is something my manager wants in the report.
Its not an issue with pop blocks because we are able to use the same browser for dev and test.
Understood that this is a required option, but just for test purposes could you run the drill through in the same window and checking if the drill works?
We found that this isnt happening only for just one report its for all drill through available in prod environment.
One of coleague says it was bug with tht version( cognos 8.3) not sure of which MR also he said there was fix run in dev and test but not in prod.
Can any one pls confirm about such bugs in version 8.3..?
I never installed any patch to 8.3 and it always worked in my instance. Doesn't seem to be a bug.
Check some properties of Package etc which might restrict the drill thru.