I'm deploying Cognos 8 Metrics Manager project with big number of scorecards and metrics types.
It would be impossible to do any upgrade manually.
I'm looking for best practices to support Cognos 8 Metrics Manager data updates.
Does anybody using ETL tools instead of Metrics Designer to load data directly into staging tables or using ETL tools to generate tab-delimited files?
Also I would like to know how difficult it would be to implement changes in organizational structure.
Thank you.
I am guessing that your data sources are not cube based... Most of my experience is in MM 2.0 (two years ago) and using cubes, so this might not apply for you now...
We used Microsoft's (albiet pretty basic) SQL DTS tools to load flat files into the staging tables based on a schedule. Then we fired off the MM import/refresh process via command line executed via MS SQL DTS.
I am sure you could do the same thing with Goldengate/Informatica/etc.
Hi Mike,
You right, my data source is data table that was created as collection of different metrics.
As I understand, you were using Metric Designer with cube as data source to generate tab-delimited files?
I want to find out how difficult is to create tab-delimited files using ETL tools. Look like it is not easy task.
I'm asking about ETL tools because I'm trying to generate tab-delimited file in Metric Designer and have difficulty while building scorecards tree.
This is example of data in my data table:
Metrics Type Division Region SupportCenter Office Measure1 Measure2
DIV 123 10 15%
REG 123 1234 2 3%
SUP 123 1234 12345 4 7%
Office 123 1234 12345 123456 3 1%
The only level that give me full structure in Metrics Designer is Office. But I don't do roll up metrics values from Office to SupportCenter and so on. Data table already had all measures calculated.
Using Metrics Type column as filter value, I able to correctly select data for each level of hierarchy in Metric Designer 8, but I couldn't create scorecard's tree because level filters are mutually exclusive.
I understand that in Cognos 8, some manipulation with data could be done in Framework Manager(Dimensional Map).
Any ideas? Please advice.