I need to show data in my crosstab for last 30 days
I have MTD and Last month
As of now-
MTD has 02/12/2010, 01/12/2010
Last month has 1/11/2010, 2/11/2010...to....30/11/2010
I have nested [MTD] next to [Last Month]
Now I have a column as shown below
| 02/12/2010 | 01/12/2010 | 1/11/2010 | 2/11/2010 |...to....| 30/11/2010
But I need to restrict it to show only for last 30 days.
How could I accomplish this.
Thanks in Advance
Naveen ;D
Are you using a relational package or a dimensional package? The solution for each will be different.