My company just first purchased ReportNet last year am
trying to convince my manager that we need to send some people
to this years Cognos Forum in Vegas. Can anyone who has gone
before give me some feedback as to what you thought of the
conference and some of the key things that you got out of it
And most important of all, what it worth it and would you
recommend it to other Cognos users
Thank you all!
I would recommend attending this conference to any Cognos client if you have bought C8BI, CRN, PPES, Controller or Planning. Anything older won't be covered.
I did not attend last year as I was overseas but reports from my clients who did attended said it was well worth the time and money. Where else can you find and mingle with so many other Cognos clients and bitch about Cognos? :) Seriously the networking is priceless; this is more valluable than the sessions themselves in most cases. Finding out the trials and tribulations other went through and how they resolved their Cognos issues can be a HUGE time and money saver to any new user to Cognos tools and even older clients who are or want to move to the newer tools.
Compare how much you would pay to a consultant to research and edify you on how others are doing things. I think you would find such an exercise to run to the tens of thousands of dollars. Attending Cognos Forum 2006 is significantly cheaper.