I have a drill through report. In my parent report I have a Region column which is drill through column.
I have RegionA, RegionB, RegionC, RegionD
I hava a prompt page in child report with Location, Country, Name and Organization prompts.
On the parent report when I click on RegionA column it has to show me the child report prompt page with RegionA Location,Country Name and Organization.
if I click on RegionB in the parent report, in child report prompt page will be the same like RegionA but prompt values for RegionB Location, country, name and organization are differ than RegionA.
RegionC and RegionD prompt values also differ than RegaionA and RegionB(each Region prompts values are different)
To get the RegionA prompt values for RegionA and to get the RegionB prompt values for RegionB etc.. do I need to create 4 prompt pages for single report are any other way I can do.
any idea how to do this?
I am not sure if you have 4 different columns called Region A, Region B, Region C and Region D or just one column called Region which has values such as Region A, Region B etc.
For the former, I assume each of the 4 columns will have a drill through set on it. All you have to do is in the target report, set a filter such as ([model].[location]) = ?location? and then in the drill through definition of each column set it up to pass data item value of Region A, Region B, Region C or Region D into parameter location.
If the latter, you have to follow the same method as above except you'll do it just once on the one region column