Can you point me to where I can get more information on this error so that I can resolve my issue? Thanks! I have a Report Studio report with 9 queries in it and not sure from the message which query it causing the error.
UDA-SQL-0458 PREPARE failed because the query requires local processing of the data. The option to allow local processing has not been enabled.UDA-SQL-0525 The query references multiple heterogenous data sources. This operation requires local processing of the data.
May be some of your data source does not support processing for some query operation. Why not try changing processing of all queries to limited local and then change back one by one. Run the report after each change. The culprit query can be found this way.
It sounds as though one (or more) of your queries are using data which is being retrieved from multiple databases. In order to join this data, local processing needs to be enabled on your Cognos 8 server. I'd suggest Charlie's approach is a good one to allow you to understand where this is occurring - all you then need to do is to allow Limited Local processing on the relevant query/queries, and your report should then work.