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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: jd on 22 Nov 2010 08:41:48 AM

Title: list report with cube data source
Post by: jd on 22 Nov 2010 08:41:48 AM
list report with cube data source showing below error:

The "crossJoinSet" operator is not applicable. The limit on the number of tuples per edge has been exceeded (-2).

I have 7 dimensions in my package I pulled 4 dimensions as data items then ran as view tabular data there I can see the data then I added another dimension as data item then I got above error any idea why it is throwing this error.

Title: Re: list report with cube data source
Post by: david.stachon on 22 Nov 2010 09:37:42 AM
Unfortunately, these things happen when building lists against cubes. (especially Cognos PowerPlay cubes)

..bottom line, PowerPlay cubes don't "like" being queried in this way. (i.e. trying to make "flat" what is stored dimensionally). DMR does okay with the type of transformation though, or better yet a straight up relational model.

...are you prohibited from doing a relational FM model?
Title: Re: list report with cube data source
Post by: jd on 22 Nov 2010 02:58:14 PM
our managment wants to use cubes as data source to build the reports.

so, Unfortunately I can not go for relational model.
Title: Re: list report with cube data source
Post by: CognosPaul on 22 Nov 2010 04:24:39 PM
This kind of thing gets my hackles up. Your management needs a crash course on the differences between building reports on cubes and on a relational warehouse. In my experience, when management makes arbitrary decisions like this, it's best to put up a fight. This kind of report tends to be much slower when built on a cube, and will cause headaches later on.

I strongly recommend reading this document ( to get a grasp on the perils of abusing cubes.

Focus on pages 30 - 33. Especially page 33. Then do the math on your own cube. Then print out the results and use them to beat some sense into management.

If they still refuse to see reason and you absolutely must do this on a cube. You'll need to do this on a crosstab. As David said, cubes don't like lists.

EDIT: Wow, apparently I'm incoherent when I'm tired. No more midnight posts from me.