Hello. Something to discuss...
I've tried some functionality from online reports that i can't do on .mht reports (Active Report)
1. Drill: there is a way to do it without my .mht run a online report and then it generates another .mht?
2. Dynamic charts: Well, active reports let me do some dynamic filtering but only on List object. I just can't do it on chart object. I mean, when you use a combobox you can dynamic filter results on a List for example but you just can't do it with the chart object.
??? ???
Quote from: katu_br on 18 Nov 2010 11:27:38 AM
Hello. Something to discuss...
I've tried some functionality from online reports that i can't do on .mht reports (Active Report)
1. Drill: there is a way to do it without my .mht run a online report and then it generates another .mht?
2. Dynamic charts: Well, active reports let me do some dynamic filtering but only on List object. I just can't do it on chart object. I mean, when you use a combobox you can dynamic filter results on a List for example but you just can't do it with the chart object.
??? ???
You could in theory provide drill-down-like capabilities within your Active Report, but this would mean adding a list/crosstab/chart for each drill level, and controlling which is displayed via a data deck.
The reason you cannot do dynamic filtering on charts is that the charting engine is not included within the MHT file, so charts cannot be re-rendered "on the fly" - each chart is rendered as the MHT is produced and is a static image. You can emulate dynamic filtering behaviour by adding multiple chart versions to your report and using a deck or a data deck to drive which one gets displayed.
The tradeoff, of course, is size - the more charts you embed, the bigger the MHT becomes.
thank you for your quick response!
Yesterday i was in IBM Cognos Webcast and so on i asked about it there too.
They respond me the same thing ;D ... this is a copy-paste:
XXXX, I hope you enjoyed the IBM Cognos 10 Virtual Launch.
In response to your question about filtering charts, the short answer is that filtering per say does not work but I think I can get you the desired result.
The reason we cannot filter charts in Active Report is that we do not have charting engine that runs in the browser. Whereas lists and crosstabs are simple tabular structures, charts are arbitrarily complex and therefore require a much higher set of technological capability than manipulating an HML table.
The way to simulate chart filtering is with as Data Deck. I have attached the demo script I used at IBM Information on Demand to demo Active Report authoring which shows, amongst other things, how to create a Data Deck with charts.
Note that the demo script shows several new features from Cognos 10 not just Active Report.
I hope that helps.
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
IBM Business Analytics
For privacy reasons for him i took his name off.
Thanks again! :)
...or just get the numbers from Cognos and build your own vector-based charting engine in JS & HTML5 Canvas. Simples!
Mind you, I don't know if Canvas is implemented on any of the browsers that C8 supports with offline reports. Could be a sticking point.
Quote from: katu_br on 19 Nov 2010 11:09:59 AM
thank you for your quick response!
Yesterday i was in IBM Cognos Webcast and so on i asked about it there too.
They respond me the same thing ;D ... this is a copy-paste:
XXXX, I hope you enjoyed the IBM Cognos 10 Virtual Launch.
In response to your question about filtering charts, the short answer is that filtering per say does not work but I think I can get you the desired result.
The reason we cannot filter charts in Active Report is that we do not have charting engine that runs in the browser. Whereas lists and crosstabs are simple tabular structures, charts are arbitrarily complex and therefore require a much higher set of technological capability than manipulating an HML table.
The way to simulate chart filtering is with as Data Deck. I have attached the demo script I used at IBM Information on Demand to demo Active Report authoring which shows, amongst other things, how to create a Data Deck with charts.
Note that the demo script shows several new features from Cognos 10 not just Active Report.
I hope that helps.
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
IBM Business Analytics
For privacy reasons for him i took his name off.
Thanks again! :)
Would I be able to get a copy of the Demo script that IBM provided you please?
Katu_br posted that comment, not me. :)