Hi all,
I need logic correction. Requirement is..
Column has c1 and c2 values.we are using static choices prompt with options c1, c2, c1+ c2.if user selects c1, c1 values should be displayed. if he selects c2 values should be displayed. if he selects c1+c2, both c1 and c2 values should be displayed.
use value for c1+c2 is 9999
Filter condition is
IF (?parameter? = 9999 ) THEN
([Product line code] = 'all' )
( [Product line code] = ?parameter? )
it is not taking all option. could you please correct the logic. if it cannot be achieved through static choices, how to do with value prompt..help me please.
Thank you
Are you not making this too complicated? Simply define a multi select value prompt through an additional prompt query. The user can then select c1 or c2 or both. Then feed the associated prompt parameter to the data query..