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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: zober on 16 Nov 2010 04:50:07 AM

Title: Intermittent QE-DEF-0313 error in Report Studio
Post by: zober on 16 Nov 2010 04:50:07 AM
There is an intermittent QE-DEF-0313 error when trying to open any package in Report Studio. Usually the next attempt (or refresh)  is successful. But this behavior is quite annoying and I can't find the reason. I have Cognos  8.1.2 installed on Windows 2008 Server with IIS7.  Other Cognos installations on Windows 2003 with IIS6 don't suffer from this.

Error details:

An error occurred while calling the content store for the model: '/content/package[@name='Audit']/model[@name='model'][permission('read')]' information.

CCL-RCI-0001 Unhandled third-party Web Applications and Services Platform (WASP) exceptions were converted into this generic RCIException code. <Exception Name="BIBusTKException" Error="5" Severity="Error"><Messages><Message Name="CCLMessage" File="cclbitmsgs" Severity="Error" Nesting="0" ><MessageText>CCL-BIT-0005 A socket reported a communication error.</MessageText></Message><Message Name="CCLMessageString" File="" Severity="Error" Nesting="0" ><MessageText>CAM_Send=0xfffffff4 <errorDetail><errorCode>-12</errorCode><errorMessage>CAM-CRP-0026 An error was returned from the underlying socket implementation.</errorMessage><errorStack><errorCode>10053</errorCode><errorMessage>Could not send to the socket, errno: 0x2745(10053)</errorMessage></errorStack></errorDetail></MessageText></Message></Messages><TraceInfo><Trace Text="BITKSocket.cpp(506): BIBusTKException: CCL_THROW: BITKSocket::WriteBuffer" /></TraceInfo></Exception> Cognos_TCPOutputStream::write thrown at transport/tcp/CognosTCPOutputStream.cpp:120 caught at \bering\wasp\isv\wasp\5.0\winSystinet\src\client\StubCallData.cpp:311 -- end-of-nested 'WASP_IOException' -- thrown at \bering\wasp\isv\wasp\5.0\winSystinet\src\client\StubCallData.cpp:313 RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back: RSReportService.cpp(610): QFException: CCL_CAUGHT: RSReportService::process() RSReportServiceMethod.cpp(177): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSReportServiceMethod::process(): asynchRunSpecification_Request RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(520): QFException: RSASyncExecutionThread::checkException RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(173): QFException: CCL_CAUGHT: RSASyncExecutionThread::run(): asynchRunSpecification_Request RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(570): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSASyncExecutionThread::processCommand(): asynchRunSpecification_Request RSMetadataService/RSMetadataMgr.cpp(165): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSMetadataMgr::executeRequest() RSQueryMgr.cpp(1591): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::executeRsapiCommand RSQueryMgr.cpp(1574): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::executeRsapiCommand QFSSession.cpp(1424): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest() QFSSession.cpp(1422): QFException: CCL_CAUGHT: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest() QFSSession.cpp(1393): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSSession::ProcessDoRequest() QFSConnection.cpp(750): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSConnection::Execute QFSQuery.cpp(80): QFException: CCL_RETHROW: QFSQuery::Execute Source/QECMAuthentication_4.cpp(2554): QFException: CCL_THROW: QE RCIExceptionHelper.cpp(487): RCIException: CCL_THROW: RCI::query ( QueryRequestArray * requests )
Title: Re: Intermittent QE-DEF-0313 error in Report Studio
Post by: blom0344 on 17 Nov 2010 02:48:55 AM
8.1 MR 2 was released somewhere in 2005. I doubt that  2008/IIS 7 is compatible with such an early Cognos 8 version. Is there a reason not to upgrade to, say 8.4.1? (We know from experience this is bonafide with 2008/IIS7)
Title: Re: Intermittent QE-DEF-0313 error in Report Studio
Post by: bioCam on 17 Nov 2010 10:02:19 AM
Cognos 8.1.2 does not support Windows 2008 Server with IIS7.

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