Hey everyone.
Hope someone out there in Cognoise land can help me with this.
I'm having a running 'heated discussion' with one of my technical assurance guys about adding determinants to facts and bridges.
At the moment we only have single layer hierarchies in the dim tables and all the fact tables join at the lowest grain. So, I don't really see any need to add determinants to the dimension tables but have given up on the 'discussion' as I don't think it will do any harm.
My TA guy is insisting that we add determinants to the fact tables as well. He only wants unique determinants (not grouped by) but it doesn't make any sense to me add determinants to a fact and I think it would be detrimental to the SQL performance.
He is now asking for documentation from Cognos specifying that determinants shouldn't be added to facts. I've checked the Cognos website and found the determinant stuff, it talks about using determinants to specify aggregation against multi-level hierarchies and query subjects that join different grains but doesn't actually specify usage on dimensions, facts or bridges. He's a bit of an obstinate git and is probably not going to accept this.
So (finally) the question is am I right in this?
1) determinants shouldn't be added to dimensions unless there is a need to join facts at different grains
2) determinants should not be added to facts, unless you've got fact to fact joins and need to roll one fact against different levels in the other fact (obviously fact to fact joins are generally a bad idea and should be avoided)
3) determinants on bridge tables don't make any sense as the bridge doesn't join to a fact table
Does anyone know of any 'official' documentation that supports this? Does anyone have an argument for adding determinants to dimensions as a default even when they are just flat hierarchies and the facts always join at the lowest grain?
I've searched the forums, although there is a lot of good stuff about determinants I can't find anything specifically related to different table types.
As always any help appreciated.
For sure I am no determinant expert, but in my experience there is no use for determinants on facts if the grain is the same for all facts. To backup this opinion I took one of my multifact DMR models and checked on generated SQL in the following cases:
(1) Determinant (unique) on dimensional object only
(2) Determinants (unique) on all objects involved (basically using set of FK's for the fact)
(3) No determinants whatsoever
In my case the SQL generated is the
same for all 3 scenario's
Cognos detects 2 facts converge on the same shared dimension through cardinalities set (not through determinants), splits into 2 sets for aggregation and recombines through coalesce/full outer join over the query items involved (those with no aggregate set)
Adding more shared dimensions does not change the way SQL is generated.
Fact -to- fact is altogether a different matter, without determinants I would expect to get improper results in any case. As for official documentation that says 'the word' ? No idea.. I hope other developers may join this discussion , so we may perhaps generate the ultimate 'determinant' discussion.
Just a last word from the official Guide by Dan Volitich:
The main purpose of determinants in a query subject is to specify the granularity at which other related query subject might be joined
Thanks Blom
I've quoted Dan and the Cognos Training manual and documentation from the cognos website and details from a cognos training partner.
My TA came back with 'but it doesn't say not to use them on facts'. Guess I'll just keep picking away at this one.
By the way you don't know of any English speaking cognos developer jobs going in Netherlands or Belgium do you? I'm starting to feel like a change from London for a while.
I really doubt whether you will find an explicite answer to your question. There are just too many permutations possible in terms of models and type of models..
I think your TA should reconsider. One ADDs determinants to a model (for a certain reason), they are not there from the start. In the latter case he would have a point. Why remove them when no explicit rule exists for removal in certain cases..
Show your TA the SQL generated, cause by and large the framework is mostly about generating SQL. If no other SQL is generated, then adding is a sure violation of Occam's razor ;)
Want to move to the Netherlands? Perhaps my company could use fresh Cognos input ;D
My understanding and experience with this is in line with both of you guys. I wonder why he feels so strongly about keeping them on the facts? It seems you've provided information on where and when they are needed, but has he provided any explanation or reasons why he feels they ought to be there?
They may be imported by default on the data source query subjects, but so is the data type of query items and that does not always result in correct usage property settings. That is why we review defaults and adjust things like a numeric column that is assumed to be a fact when it really ought to be treated as an attribute. A silly example, I realize, but just trying to make a point about default behavior.
Ultimately Blom is wise (as usual) about evaluating the generated SQL with and without them. If there is no difference for various scenarios then checking if there is a material difference in performance one way or the other would be something to look at. Determinants would all be evaluated, as the snippet from the FM guide below states, but that may or may not translate to anything worth writing home about. Simplicity is indeed desirable.
QuoteDeterminants are processed in the order in which they are specified in the model. You can change
the order of the determinants. If a query subject has more than one determinant, the first one that
covers all the requested items is used. Determinants are evaluated in the context of each required
join as well as the context of requested items.
Data source query subjects are imported with determinants defined for them. These default
determinants are generated based on keys and indexes in the data source.
Thanks Lynn for adding the quotation. I overlooked the automatic generation of determinants when importing data source objects. This is indeed true for primary keys (and indexes ?) , but this still leaves us with true facts that have only sets of FK's. As stated earlier it is still very much matters how your model looks like and where need to model against..
Very valuable insight and advice Lynn and Ties! The only (probably useless) piece I can add is that determinants are used during runtime query generation to drive the grouping level(s). Given that your measures are not grouped but are aggregated in line with the grouping of the query, you should in theory not need determinants on measures or their FKs.
Quote from: wyconian on 14 Nov 2010 02:48:53 AM
Does anyone know of any 'official' documentation that supports this? Does anyone have an argument for adding determinants to dimensions as a default even when they are just flat hierarchies and the facts always join at the lowest grain?
I attended the FM class from Cognos few years ago so I still have the book that they give out in the class. As far as I remember and also the book says that determinants should be added if required. It is clearly not a mandatory requirement to add determinants either to a Fact or to a Dimension Query Subject.
Not to milk this topic, but I searched for the fasttrack manuals and specifically the part about determinants.
I quote:
Determinants are a feature of Cognos 8 and designed to provide control over granularity. The settings specified in the determinants dialog give Cognos 8 enough information to correctly aggregate facts in queries with multiple levels of granularity
Explicitly!! =
multiple levels of granularityA little further down the line there is a very mysterious one:
To leverage indexes with DMR (especially when filtering on captions) having your captions associated with the correct key in a determinant will improve query generation
A kewpie doll for anyone shedding light on this one
great documentation really if you are into riddles
Quote from: blom0344 on 18 Nov 2010 03:52:55 AMA little further down the line there is a very mysterious one:
A kewpie doll for anyone shedding light on this one
great documentation really if you are into riddles
Hi Ties,
I think this is alluding to a situation where you have a dimension which provides alternative unique identifiers for a particular level. For example, if you have a Time Dimension with Year, Quarter, Month and Day levels, you may have two alternatives for defining the BusinessKey attribute on (say) the Month level - one alternative would be to use the single MonthKey column (with values such as 201011), and the other alternative would be to use the Year (2010) and Month (11) columns combined together as the BusinessKey attribute. If MonthKey was defined as an index in the underlying table and Month was not defined in an index, obviously the most appropriate grouping (to utilise the index) would be based on MonthKey. If your determinant was then (correctly) based on MonthKey, defining the DMR BusinessKey as Monthkey would associate the level with the appropriate indexed database column, whereas defining the DMR BusinessKey as a combination of Year and Month would not.
That's my interpretation of what it's saying, anyway, but I didn't write the documentation, and it's entirely possible I'm entirely wrong about its meaning! :)
I say give the muppet a kewpie doll
Quote from: Lynn on 18 Nov 2010 07:01:45 AM
I say give the muppet a kewpie doll
Thanks! I always wanted a doll with a Mohican - my life's ambition is fulfilled! :)
You must already have a troll doll then. If not, your ambitions are too low.
I'll admit that data modelling is not my strong point (this will be obvious in a moment), but for my own edification.
An example scenario.
SalesOrderID (PK) (index)
DateKey (FK)
Subtotal (Fact)
Tax (Fact)
Shipping (Fact)
SalesOrderID (FK)
DetailID (PK)
ProductID (FK)
Quantity (Fact)
Cost (Fact)
Wouldn't a determinant be set on SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID?
The list would (should?) look like
OrderID | Product | Tax | Quantity
0000001| P1 | 55 | 5
0000001| P2 | 55 | 9
Total | 55 | 14
as opposed to:
OrderID | Product | Tax | Quantity
0000001| P1 | 55 | 5
0000001| P2 | 55 | 9
Total | 110 | 14
If you were making a DMR on this I would assume you'd also set SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID as the businessKey (as opposed to SalesOrderDetail.SalesOrderID) to force it to obey the index.
I hack around at things till I get what I want so I never know if my first approach is a good one or not until I try...
That said, I'd consider that scenario as two fact tables and I wouldn't join them to each another but only to the dimensions they conform to (I'd need date key denormalized on the detail table to do it).
Although tax and shipping are not at the product level of detail, I should see just what you describe if I brought them into a query that also included product. This makes it about reporting with non-conformed dimensions rather than a difference in granularity on a common dimension. The granularity is identical for these two facts within the conformed dimension (date).
So I still wouldn't have determinants on the fact tables. I don't think I'd even need determinants on the dimensions -- in this case the only conformed dimension is date and the granularity is the same for both fact tables. I'm not really thinking of sales order as a dimension unless it is a degenerate dimension.
If I join the two tables together then I'm mixing grain on a single fact table because some facts pertain to product (like quantity and cost) while other facts do not pertain to product (tax and shipping). I think Mr. Kimball says this is a no-no.
I hacked into an existing model and build 2 identical sets. First set has determinants on both imported tables, the second set has none.
In my case I have real estate properties in place of the order header and rentable units as sales details..
(1) generated output is identical
(2) query SQL is identical
Cognos detects a fact at the 1 side of the cardinality and decides to first perform the aggregate on the n side and then join with the non-aggregated set from the 1 side:
Thus, no aggregate is used for the fact on the 1 side. In other words , it treats the fact from the 1 side as a attribute, but in the report is correctly shows it's total.
example: (native SQL)
select T1.C0 AS C0, T1.C1 AS C1, T1.C2 AS C2, T0.C1 AS C3
select Prop.Name AS C0, sum(RU.NFA) AS C1
from Datasource.Property Prop, Datasource.RU RU
where Prop.Id = RU.Property and Prop.Id in (2228225, 8912897)
group by Prop.Name) T0,
select Prop.Name AS C0, Prop.Id AS C1, Prop.Price AS C2
from Datasource.Property Prop, Datasource.RU RU
where Prop.Id = RU.Property and Prop.Id in (2228225, 8912897)) T1
where T1.C0 = T0.C0
Quote from: blom0344 on 18 Nov 2010 02:54:39 PM
I hacked into an existing model and build 2 identical sets. First set has determinants on both imported tables, the second set has none.
In my case I have real estate properties in place of the order header and rentable units as sales details..
(1) generated output is identical
(2) query SQL is identical
Cognos detects a fact at the 1 side of the cardinality and decides to first perform the aggregate on the n side and then join with the non-aggregated set from the 1 side:
Thus, no aggregate is used for the fact on the 1 side. In other words , it treats the fact from the 1 side as a attribute, but in the report is correctly shows it's total.
example: (native SQL)
select T1.C0 AS C0, T1.C1 AS C1, T1.C2 AS C2, T0.C1 AS C3
select Prop.Name AS C0, sum(RU.NFA) AS C1
from Datasource.Property Prop, Datasource.RU RU
where Prop.Id = RU.Property and Prop.Id in (2228225, 8912897)
group by Prop.Name) T0,
select Prop.Name AS C0, Prop.Id AS C1, Prop.Price AS C2
from Datasource.Property Prop, Datasource.RU RU
where Prop.Id = RU.Property and Prop.Id in (2228225, 8912897)) T1
where T1.C0 = T0.C0
Now, and this is VERY interesting ;D :
I remove joins/determinants from the datalayer and add the joins/determinants in the transformation layer (between the model subjects).
After republishing the model WITH the determinants gives the same - expected - results, but the one without them gives the typical inflated ones.
So , basically it also matters where they are assigned..
Any joins in the Model Query subjects will get a higher priority over the joins Database Query Subjects. Determinants in the Model Query subjects would probably get forced though I am not sure at this point. If you execute the Model Query subject as a 'View', it would ignore the joins of the Database Layer. FM treats Query Subjects as Dimension and Facts by the cardinality regardless of whether they are Dimensions or Facts in our eyes.
Ex: Customer <--> Order Header <--> Order Line
You make a report using Customer and Order Header, Cognos will treat Customer as the DIM and Order Header as the FACT. Make a report with Order Header and Order Line and Order Header will be treated as a DIM and Order Line will be treated as a FACT because the join would 1 on the Order Header side and n on the Line side.
Determinants are used only to resolve multiple levels of granuality.
Ex: Date Dimension has year, Month and Day. Transaction table could be joined to the date Dimension by either Day or the Month. So there should be determinant that will include Year, Month and Day and Day key to be unique and probably group by Months.
In case of Sales Order Header and Sales Order Line, I would not use any determinants. If the report shows Tax to be 110, just group that column in the report with the Order ID or Order Number, even the totals after grouping would show correct instead of duplicating.
Not with you all the way :-\
A metadata model is basically a way to generate 'smart' SQL. In the case of SALES ORDER <--> SALES DETAIL ( or in my case with objects <--> units) having facts on both sides induces Cognos to handle 2 sets first , then join (check the example I gave) returning correct results.
With joins applied in the import layer this happens with both determinants set and not set.
Move joins and determinants to the modelling layer and determinants seem to make the difference. In my case , without determinants incorrect (bloated) results are returned
The reason why I ramble on about this, is that most our models work with joins in the modelling layer, cause we use custom SQL objects in the datalayer.
Initially, I had no reason to choose between generating additional database views or defining cognos SQL objects. However, now pretty much convinced we need to move logic into the database to produce leaner Cognos models that generate (minimized SQL!!) more compact , easier to understand SQL..
Quote from: PaulM on 18 Nov 2010 08:59:14 AM
I'll admit that data modelling is not my strong point (this will be obvious in a moment), but for my own edification.
An example scenario.
SalesOrderID (PK) (index)
DateKey (FK)
Subtotal (Fact)
Tax (Fact)
Shipping (Fact)
SalesOrderID (FK)
DetailID (PK)
ProductID (FK)
Quantity (Fact)
Cost (Fact)
Wouldn't a determinant be set on SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID?
The list would (should?) look like
OrderID | Product | Tax | Quantity
0000001| P1 | 55 | 5
0000001| P2 | 55 | 9
Total | 55 | 14
as opposed to:
OrderID | Product | Tax | Quantity
0000001| P1 | 55 | 5
0000001| P2 | 55 | 9
Total | 110 | 14
If you were making a DMR on this I would assume you'd also set SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID as the businessKey (as opposed to SalesOrderDetail.SalesOrderID) to force it to obey the index.
I'm with Lynn on this one - I would treat SalesOrderHeader and SalesOrderDetail as two separate fact query subjects, each linking to a conformed dimension with two levels - SalesOrder and Detail (with determinants defined for each level of the conformed dimension).
Quote from: MFGF on 19 Nov 2010 03:38:59 AM
I'm with Lynn on this one - I would treat SalesOrderHeader and SalesOrderDetail as two separate fact query subjects, each linking to a conformed dimension with two levels - SalesOrder and Detail (with determinants defined for each level of the conformed dimension).
Effectively moving all non-measures to the conformed dimension. This will give you the query split and restitching (full outer join/coalesce) usually described. I always assumed this was the only way, till I found out about a year ago that Cognos seems to handle it very well how Paul describes it.
Never knew what ot make of it. Couldn't label it as 'works as designed', cause I never found any reference. Till now..
Quote from: blom0344 on 19 Nov 2010 01:48:45 AM
The reason why I ramble on about this, is that most our models work with joins in the modelling layer, cause we use custom SQL objects in the datalayer.
I don't know why you have it like this..
The 1st strategy is to make joins in the Database layer and NOT use custom SQL. The SQL in the database layer should say 'Select * from ......'. This is according to the best practise by Cognos. Joins in the Model Layer should be made only to override joins from the database layer (if required). Basically, you create joins in the Model Query subjects only if the relationship defined in the database layer does NOT apply to a particular report. Hence the feature of MQS overriding the relationship defined in DQS. Same logic applies for determinants. You do that in MQS only when you wish to override the one on DQS for a particular report.
Determinants work with the way you set the 'keys'. For a Time Dimension where you have the Year, Month and Day, the Month determinant should have Year and Month as the key, not just the Month. In your case, you set the determinants in relation with 2 query subjects. Determinants are not forced if there is no need for it. Anything you do in MQS is a way to override DQS, that might be the reason it is working differently in model layer for you.
This is an ideal situation for determinants in the databse layer and let me know if this doesn't work. It works for me:
Time Dimension : Columns - Year Key, Year Name, Month Key, Month Name, Day Key, Day Name
Sales Fact : Columns - Month, Sales
Orders Fact : Columns - Day, Quantity, Revenue
Set the determinnats in the Time dimension as follows:
Name Key Attributes Unique/Non Unique Group By
Year Year Key None No Yes
Month Year Key Month Name No Yes
Month Key
Day Year Key Day Name Yes No
Month Key Month Name
Day Key Year Name
When you make a report involving all 3 query subjects, it will give correct results without bloating
the sales figures.
Do NOT set the determinants in the databse layer and you will see the Sales figures inflated !
Quote from: cognostechie on 19 Nov 2010 11:47:38 AM
I don't know why you have it like this..
Reason 1: Inheritance
Some models (early versions) where there from the start (= my start) , with some of them consisting of just one level. (Actually not that strange if you've spend 10 years working with BO Universes)
Reason 2: Our quirky database structures
They are so far removed from traditional (best-practice) reporting models that even adding an ETL-layer will simply not net starschema models. so ,we need to improvise
I appreciate your example, but It is the standard multi-grain solution. we were focussing in the discussion on the same grain scenario's..
You are right. Sometimes I read everything in a hurry and miss the point.
Ok, I used the same scenario:
Order Header -
OrderID (PK)
Order Detail:
Order ID (FK)
Product ID
I set the determinant on the Database Query subject and it works the way it worked for you but only on the List. The Crosstab still shows inflated total. I attached an image showing the List and Crosstab.
Now this is the same scenario blom had..
I removed the determinant from Database Layer where I jave joins and added the determinant in the Model Query subject where I do NOT have any joins and it didn't work. I got the inflated Freight !!
I create the determinants in the Database Layer and it works !! Makes sense since determinants are supposed to work with the joins. So looks like it will work wherever the joins are regardless of whether it is MQS or DQS.
It's working for List and Graphs but still does not work for Crosstabs. Did anybody try it with a Crosstab?
(1) Determinants and joins in model layer:
Determinants set:
List: okay Crosstab: okay
Determinants not set:
List: bloated Crosstab: bloated
(2) Determinants and joins in data layer:
Determinants set:
List: okay Crosstab: okay
Determinants not set:
List: okay Crosstab: okay
My conclusion would be that both list and crosstab react the same.
Interestingly , when I have joins and determinants on the datalayer, then adding the same determinants to the models in the model-layer gives me a warning in Report Studio about those determinants will be ignored due to missing joins
Quote from: blom0344 on 22 Nov 2010 04:10:03 AM
Interestingly , when I have joins and determinants on the datalayer, then adding the same determinants to the models in the model-layer gives me a warning in Report Studio about those determinants will be ignored due to missing joins
I guess because the joins were in the Data layer and the determinants were in the model layer..
I don't need to put it in the Model layer because my joins are in the Data layer and putting determinants there works fine.
By the way, the answer to the question of the Original Poster (in case he/she still wants it):
His question -
Does anyone know of any 'official' documentation that supports this? Does anyone have an argument for adding determinants to dimensions as a default even when they are just flat hierarchies and the facts always join at the lowest grain?
Yes, I have official documentation (book which Cognos publishes and hands out in their training class). It says Determinants should be added to dimensions in case of multiple granularities between facts. In the training whenever they used flat hierarchies and no fact to fact joins, they never used determinants.
It also says Determinants are a way to tell Cognos engine how the indexes in the database are constructed and what makes the data unique.
Our tests show that you need determinants on fact tables in case of a fact to fact join when you have one to many relationship between those facts.
Yes, I have official documentation (book which Cognos publishes and hands out in their training class). It says Determinants should be added to dimensions in case of multiple granularities between facts. In the training whenever they used flat hierarchies and no fact to fact joins, they never used determinants.
It also says Determinants are a way to tell Cognos engine how the indexes in the database are constructed and what makes the data unique.
Our tests show that you need determinants on fact tables in case of a fact to fact join when you have one to many relationship between those facts.
This actually confirms what I have found in my training material. However, no explicite statement when you should
not define them..
fact to fact seems to be somewhat inconclusive (as I pointed out in the examples I gave) However , this is a bit academic. Where ever they are defined, the result is correct..
Quote from: blom0344 on 23 Nov 2010 02:04:00 AM
However, no explicite statement when you should not define them..
It says -
There are very limited cases when you would need or want to use determinants. They include:
1> When you have joins on a single query subject with multiple levels of granularity
2> When you have BLOB data type in the query
3> To improve performance of a DMR
Doesn't say anything about fact-to-fact join but then they don't advice to have that kind of a join to begin with.
One does choose to define such joins. :( Unfortunately many databases are just to far from the ideal Kimball structured examples Cognos uses in its training material. The sales order header / order detail is just an example. In our designs we have to cope with facts in almost every table. Makes it a real challenge..
Yeah sure. I completely agree. I have fact-to-fact joins too in many cases. I was just mentioning that from an answers perspective (to answer the OP) about whether or not Cognos has that in the document.
If your TA is so determine to put determinant (sounds like poetry already!) on Fact tables, I'm guessing there should not be a problem as long as performance is not impacted.
From some of the training that I attended for Cognos, one of the lecturers suggest that "I do not care how model is designed or reports developed as long as I can get my report as quickly as possible!". In her analogy, she said that the FM model may not be following Cognos standards, and Reports may be designed in a very poor way, BUT, if it ran in < 1 minutes, then it is not a problem!
So in relation to your scenario, just put the determinants on the Fact tables as long as it does not have any impact on performance. However, once impacted, then try to remove the determinants and see if it improved or not. Once improved, you can document your findings, and shove it to your TA.
My first reaction would be to heap praise upon such a down to earth approach. If the report is fast enough nobody cries wolf against the model underneath.
Couple of remarks though:
(1) Neatly modelled means also much easier to read SQL and therefore less time tracking/solving issues.
(2) Development is often on small testdatabases. With production databases growing over time you may end up in trouble remarkably fast
(3) Adding / losing determinants is best monitored from the database. If different SQL is generated (traces!!) then you have a case, as this may impact performance
Quote from: josepherwin on 29 Nov 2010 05:58:08 PMFrom some of the training that I attended for Cognos, one of the lecturers suggest that "I do not care how model is designed or reports developed as long as I can get my report as quickly as possible!". In her analogy, she said that the FM model may not be following Cognos standards, and Reports may be designed in a very poor way, BUT, if it ran in < 1 minutes, then it is not a problem!
That's a very cavalier attitude to take, especially to modelling. The best practice standards were developed to ensure accurate, consistent reporting while still achieving optimum performance within these constraints. I would (personally) argue that the top priority for any reporting solution is to deliver correct information - if performance is put above this, then you end up with the potential to deliver wrong results very quickly! :)
Was your course run by IBM or by a third party? I honestly can't imagine IBM would be too impressed if they knew one of their instructors was giving out advice like that.
I guess I fall on the side of following the best practices as much as possible. In addition to the reasons stated, I would add the following:
- Models tend to evolve. Changes and additions may come down the pike and can be difficult to incorporate in something that isn't properly built. Over time you've got a frankenstein on your hands.
- A BI solution is not just a report or even a few reports. If you take a micro-view of "as long as I can get MY report as quickly as possible!" then you may not be modeling your database or your Framework Model to quickly and accurately deliver the information needed to cover all the business questions thrown at it.
- Many developers suck at documentation. They may understand what they've done and how to get it to behave, but the ramp up time for someone else to cover for them or takeover can be longer.
However, none of us get the luxury of having all the moon and the stars aligned. We need to balance perfection with practicality. We may need to do things that are a bit off the normal course, but I would advise judicious use of non-standard approaches after having considered the pros and cons. And also ensure things are documented and discussed.
Going back to the original question about determinants it seems to me there ought to be some justification for having them or not having them beyond "so-and-so made me put them in there". Either they are needed for correct results and/or performance or they're not. I think a lot of good information in this thread illustrates methods to make a determinant determination.
...so you're saying, Lynn, that Ties can now determine a Determinant determination :D I'll add that to my list of replies in the pub to the question "so what did you do today?" ;)
hee hee. Determining the determinant determination is par for the course in the department of redundancy department.
I think Ties as well as Techie shed an awful lot of light on things although I think the original poster is long gone.
Quote from: MFGF on 30 Nov 2010 07:29:30 AM
That's a very cavalier attitude to take, especially to modelling. The best practice standards were developed to ensure accurate, consistent reporting while still achieving optimum performance within these constraints. I would (personally) argue that the top priority for any reporting solution is to deliver correct information - if performance is put above this, then you end up with the potential to deliver wrong results very quickly! :)
Was your course run by IBM or by a third party? I honestly can't imagine IBM would be too impressed if they knew one of their instructors was giving out advice like that.
I think I probably put the wrong sentence there as she was exaggerating her point.
What I was trying to say is, in relation to this issue, I do not see a problem of putting a determinant in the fact table. Sometimes on top of your Cognos best practices, there are other business rules/scenario that may be specific to an organisation which may break the Cognos modelling standards. :)