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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: imissobiee on 12 Nov 2010 02:10:08 PM

Title: Rows breaking across pages in pdf
Post by: imissobiee on 12 Nov 2010 02:10:08 PM
Is there a way to prevent rows from breaking across pages in pdf format?  I have a one row table with the pagination setting "Allow row contents to break across pages" unchecked inside a repeater.  The one table row contains two data items (one under the other) per column - see attachment. 
I placed everything in one row thinking that the row wouldn't break across pages in pdf but unfortunately it does.  Any clue how to prevent this from happening?
Thanks a million!
Title: Re: Rows breaking across pages in pdf
Post by: imissobiee on 12 Nov 2010 02:15:43 PM
Update:  I'm referring to vertical pagination in this instance.  The rows are breaking across pages vertically.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Title: Re: Rows breaking across pages in pdf
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 15 Nov 2010 01:51:08 AM
have you tried with changing the Page set up to 'Landscape' for PDF?

See if it helps you?

Title: Re: Rows breaking across pages in pdf
Post by: imissobiee on 15 Nov 2010 08:19:23 AM
Yes, the page setup is already Lanscape and the row breaking still occurs.
Thanks for your response, plz let me know if you think of anything else.
Title: Re: Rows breaking across pages in pdf
Post by: MFGF on 15 Nov 2010 10:58:38 AM

Have you checked the properties of the Page (rather than the Repeater)?  I don't have access just now, but I'm sure there is a PDF option tied to the page which controls horizontal pagination.


Title: Re: Rows breaking across pages in pdf
Post by: imissobiee on 16 Nov 2010 09:54:16 AM
The rows are breaking vertically not horizontally.  The only two options are for orientation and page size on the pdf setup under the page properties.
Title: Re: Rows breaking across pages in pdf
Post by: midhl on 19 Nov 2010 05:34:01 AM

May be am late with my answer but hopefully this should be useful.If you are using a list or crosstab,if you select the list or crosstab under general properties there is a property by name Pagination and it has default selections for 1)Allow contents to break across pages and 2)Allow horizontal pagination ,try unchecking these properties. This should resolve the issue.