Is there a way to prevent rows from breaking across pages in pdf format? I have a one row table with the pagination setting "Allow row contents to break across pages" unchecked inside a repeater. The one table row contains two data items (one under the other) per column - see attachment.
I placed everything in one row thinking that the row wouldn't break across pages in pdf but unfortunately it does. Any clue how to prevent this from happening?
Thanks a million!
Update: I'm referring to vertical pagination in this instance. The rows are breaking across pages vertically.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
have you tried with changing the Page set up to 'Landscape' for PDF?
See if it helps you?
Yes, the page setup is already Lanscape and the row breaking still occurs.
Thanks for your response, plz let me know if you think of anything else.
Have you checked the properties of the Page (rather than the Repeater)? I don't have access just now, but I'm sure there is a PDF option tied to the page which controls horizontal pagination.
The rows are breaking vertically not horizontally. The only two options are for orientation and page size on the pdf setup under the page properties.
May be am late with my answer but hopefully this should be useful.If you are using a list or crosstab,if you select the list or crosstab under general properties there is a property by name Pagination and it has default selections for 1)Allow contents to break across pages and 2)Allow horizontal pagination ,try unchecking these properties. This should resolve the issue.