Hi Folks,
Can anyone share the process as how to Migrate Planning to TM1
I have been looking into this issue and I think the simpel answer is that there isn't any good migration, you have to start almost from scratch with design of the TM1 model. Since the tools are so completely different and the design of the Planning model can be impacted by the limitations in Cognos Planning, so it is not always wise or recommended to just use the same design for your TM1 model as the model is designed in Cognos Planning.
Hi Amrutha / craig_karr:
This is Kal & right now I have a question regarding migrating from EP to TM1.
I am done analyzing the models in EP & also identified all the Dimensions, Cubes & calculations that need to go into the model. I have a fair idea on the overall build. I started building the metadata & will go ahead with loading the data & then creating the worksheets or the input templates.
However, I am struck at the E_List part(Workflow). I had a series of discussions with the client regarding this & the client does not want to implement TM1 Contributor. They want me to build the functionality WRT Started, not started etc. I have no clue on how this can be implemented. Can you please throw in some ideas on how this can be done. If you can send me some examples that will be great too.
Thanks for all you help in advance.
I had a look at this some time ago when TM1 Workflow came along and turned out to do nothing apart from record statuses prettily. It wasn't at all easy. Tell the client to buy Contributor or live without the functionality.
Also, as the last poster says, if you are porting from EP without going back to the business requirements you will almost certainly finish up with a quite poor system, because TM1 and EP are very different.