I've a table to find the difference of (Oct-Sep) month. Used 2 data items to calculate (A/B) and (Oct-Sep) and I'm getting correct result except the last cell (which is highlighted).
I should get the result as -8 (Oct = 2 & Sep = 10). But I'm getting as -3.3.
Oct Sep Oct-Sep
A 100 200 -100
B 50 20 30
A/B 2 10 -3.3
Can anyone let me know how to get the expected result?
The problem you're having is with the solve order.
The crosstab is defaulting to calculating the columns first, and the rows second. So it understands A/B to be -100/30.
You can fix this by clicking on the Oct-Sep data item in the query and setting the Solve Order to something higher than the A/B data item. (Try setting it to 99).
Thanks a lot for your quick response.. It solved my problem.
If I give the solve Order as 1, its working fine. Any specific reason to give the solve order as 99?
I suggested 99 because I don't know the structure of your report. When you click on the total button Cognos will automatically assign a solve order. 99 was just a number high enough to be sure it would work.